17: the team

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Lala's motorbike roared as she weaved through traffic with her helmet secured on her head

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Lala's motorbike roared as she weaved through traffic with her helmet secured on her head. She was on her way to do what Leon had hoped she wouldn't. Her gaze shifted to the side as her earbuds blared Gimme More by Britney Spears, the bass thumping in her head. Finally, she spotted the entrance to her old garage and pulled in smoothly.

At the sound of a new vehicle approaching, everyone's heads turned to see who had joined their meeting. Lala pulled her bike to a stop near a sleek black Ford Galaxie, her eyes raking the beauty of the classic car through the visor.

"And there is our tenth." Dominic Toretto spoke in a smug voice. Brian looked at him in confusion, not knowing what the hell was happening. His eyes glanced back to Mia who simply shrugged and looked just as confused as him.

Lala climbed off of her bike in a smooth motion and stepped around the side of the black car. She walked so effortlessly to the crew, so confidently. Brian almost didn't see the black strapped brace on her leg. Almost.

As she removed her helmet, Brian's heart raced with a mixture of shock and disbelief. It had been years since he had mourned her supposed death, and now here she stood, alive and well. Mia watched him closely, sensing his inner turmoil. Tej and Rome exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of how to proceed in this unexpected situation as they thought they'd lost her, too.

"Lo." Dom greeted warmly, breaking the uneasy silence that had settled over the group. "I'm glad you're here." His voice held a hint of relief, as if her presence was a long-awaited answer to a question he hadn't known he had.

Gisele, the only one privy to her secret, made her way to Lala's side. She pulled the woman into a hug with a soft smile on her face. "You changed your hair?"

"You know what they say about hair holding memories? I needed to get rid of a few." She mumbled. "Thank you." The words were simple but they both knew the weight behind them.

"Good luck." She whispers in her ear, nodding her head slightly towards Brian.

Brian remained silent, his gaze fixed on Lala as if searching for a sign that she was real. Lala, for her part, met his eyes with a soft smile tinged with sadness. Knowing Gisele was keeping her secret weighed heavily on his mind, adding layers of complexity to an already overwhelming situation.

Rome, however, rushed to pull her into a bone crushing hug. "You're all muscle now, girl."

She laughed softly, "I bet I could take you in a fight."

"You coulda beat his ass before the muscles." Tej joked and gave her a side hug, the two never being too fond of physical affection towards each other.

"Any day." She grinned and went over to where Mia, Brian and Dom stood. Mia was the first to break, tears flooding down her face before Lala even got to them.

"Lo." She threw herself into the older woman's arms, sobbing quietly at the fact she was here in her arms. She dreamt about this moment so many times but knew it would never happen again.

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