The boy and the portal

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Trigger Warning: coarse language

Tom Riddle was an average kid. He went to school. He had friends. He planned the massacre of every muggle. Average kid stuff. But never in his wildest dreams did he imagine finding a portal. This type of shenanigan only happened in the muggle books he secretly read. "Well that's a strange thing. Guess I should check it out." He said. But as soon as he touched it he got pulled in and blacked out.

"Wake up sir. Please, wake up." He groggily opened his eyes to see a scrawny boy around his age with scraggly hair, glasses and a weird scar. He was hot. Tom found himself staring at the boy for what like hours. His voice felt like a crashing wave of desire. But he couldn't let himself fall towards dark temptations of sodomy and homosexuality. After all he was pure blood and that meant being better than everyone else. He was reminded of his rival James. Stupid, James. But this boy seemed nice. but before he could even muster a hello he spat out "get off of me to creep." He shouted at the boy. "Sorry, I was trying to help you." "Well, next time don't pervert." The boy just stuck up his middle fingers and walked off.

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