Part 16

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(Harry's POV) 

Today we are going to introduce the kids to Liam, Niall, and Zayn which I'm a bit nervous about because I don't know how either the kids or the boys are going to act like but I'm hoping everything turns out ok 

We choose to meet at Louis's house because they'll bit more room for everyone plus I think it's about time the kids got to see the world besides just this cabin for a little awhile we have just arrived and I turn to look at the kids in the backseat "ok guys we are at Louis's house and we here because you are going to meet the other boys that are in one direction" I tell them 

They both start smiling big "really" they ask at the same time "yes now I want you both on your very best behaviour understand" I say eyeing them they nod and we get out of the car and walk up to the door and the kids knock on the door it doesn't take long for Louis to open it and when sees us he smiles "hey the lads are already here and I hope you don't mind but Zayn and Liam brought bear and Khai to meet Freddie and Darcy" Louis says and I'm definitely a little surprised but not upset 

"Oh that's ok the kids are probably going to see each other a bit on the tour so it's best they get to know each other now rather then later uh" I say and Louis nods and moves so me and the twins can walk in and he leads us to the living room where I see the lads are with Zayn holding Khai and Bear sitting on Liam's lap they look up at me and all smile I feel Freddie and Darcy him behind my legs clearly being nervous to meet the other kids 

I push them out from behind me "go on it's alright go say hi to Liam son Bear and zayn's daughter Khai" I tell them they look at me and when I nod that it's ok they walk up slowly Liam lifts Bear off his lap so he's standing in front of the twins "hi I'm Freddie and this is my sister Darcy we are twins and we are 5" Freddie says gaining a bit of confidence he definitely get's that from Louis while Darcy is like me more shy 

Bear also seems to get a bit more comfortable to talk after Freddie did "hi my name's Bear like the animal but my mom and dad thought it was cute and I like it and I'm 4" he says and Liam rubs his back Zayn then puts Khai on the floor "this is my little girl Khai she's 2 so she can't full talk like you three but she's learning" Zayn says as Khai sits on the floor playing with baby toy "so Freddie and Darcy meet Liam, Zayn, and Niall there going to go on tour with us" I say and the lads all wave 

"Hi we've loved one direction since daddy showed us your music" Freddie says and Darcy nods "yeah and he'll always be my favourite member" Darcy says looking at me same with Freddie "yeah mine tow but Louis is a close second" he says and I see out of the corner of my eye that Freddie saying he's his second favourite touched Louis by the way he put his hand over his heart 

"Really what are some of your favourite songs" Niall asks the twins start naming off some songs from our albums I knew this is what the answer was going to be pretty much all the songs the twins were never able to pick one favourite song each "ok it seems like neither of you have a specific favourite song how about album" Zayn asks now that the twins can answer "well I really like the take me home album" darcy says "yeah that was good but I like midnight memories better" Freddie says "what about you Bear you gonna say what album you like" Liam asks his son "I enjoy the first" he says "up all night" Liam whispers and Bear repeats it 

"why don't you kids go play in the playroom" Louis says and leads Freddie, Darcy, and Bear to a room where they could play while Khai stays in the living room 

When he came back he sat beside me on the small couch since the others were on the big couch "so why do you have a room full of toys" I ask Louis he looks at me "oh you know sometimes Doris and Ernest come here so" he answers and I nod that makes sense but Niall looks confused "really cause you said they haven't been to this house-before Niall can finish saying what he was saying Liam smacked his arm and I'm going to ignore that for now but ask about it later 

"So everyone ready for the tour it's not much longer now" Liam says and we all nod "yeah it's going to be nice performing with you guys again it'll be just like old time"s Niall says "well not exactly the same but we get what your saying" Zayn says "yeah I mean 3 of us are already dads were has the time gone when we were all young lads performing on the X factor" Liam says and we all start smiling remembering the good old days when we were young and care free "yeah I miss those days we were just five boys trying out for a singing competition and ended up together in a band that didn't win the X factor but won the world instead" Louis says 

Honestly I couldn't of said it better myself but I knew their was something else we needed to tell the lads before we tell the twins "guys I have a confession to make and please promise me you won't freak out I don't want the twins to hear anything they shouldn't" I tell and they all nod and I look at Louis and he nods his head as a way to say 'go ahead' I look back at the lads "ok so 4 of us actually have kids" I say looking down "what do you mean" Niall asks "well you see the thing is the twin aren't just mine there also Louis's" I say and it's silent which I don't like 

I look at them and see them letting the news sink in completely "wait some you mean you and Louis had sex" Niall asks "Niall don't say that in front of my daughter" Zayn says hissing at Niall and Niall just raises his hand up in surrender "yeah so before the band went on break Louis came to my place wasted and I let him 'sleep' with me and yeah I found out I was pregnant not long after the band spilt and I told both mine and Louis's family but never told him or any of you because of the things I heard you guys say" I explain 

"Oh we really are sorry about that Harry that wasn't right I hope you can forgive us" Liam says and I nod "wow so you guys are parents that means I'm the only member who's kid free" Niall says and we all laugh at that "yeah but they don't know yet so please don't say anything we want to tell them ourselves" Louis says sternly to them and promise to keep quiet "you know if your alright with it Harry how about a group hug" Niall says and I nod and we squeeze each other and honestly it feels nice hugging all the boys again "by the way you can call me haz or hazza" I tell them 

The odd member out/1D reunion l.s mpregHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin