Chocolate Kisses

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                                                   DjWifi Taking Centre Stage!

Points to note:

● Adrien and Marinette are dating

● The main group knows eachothers identities

● Alya and Nino will start dating in this story

Happy Reading!


Alya sat in her house's (which she shared with Adrien, Marinette, and Nino) kitchen, updating her Ladyblog. She sipped her freshly made coffee, and smiled as the liquid ran down her throat. Nino, on the other hand, was not quite as... peaceful as Alya was. 

He was stuffing his face with Toffees that Alya had brought over after her visit to her aunt. She didn't really like those, and since her aunt had given them to her ( She didn't understand why her aunt never listened to her complaining about the terrible toffee) she figured she might as well give them to Nino, who is a huge foodie and will eat almost anything. 

"Nino," Alya said with disgust, "why on earth would you find those delicious?" 

" Becoos there guud." 

Alya rolled her eyes. "Try swallowing first." Nino glared at her. He swallowed the Toffees and pushed aside the bag. 

"Why don't you like them, Al?" Nino asked.

 "Because they're disgusting." 

"You can't say that without atleast trying one!" 

"And how do you know? You eat everything edible." 

"Do not!" 

"Last night at the party, Alix dared you to bite of a smelly shoe, and you did that. And on top of that you said it tasted alright. Like meat." Alya said making a disgusted face.

"That's because they were leather!" 

" And? Leather doesn't taste like meat, Nino." Alya sighed.

"Does too!" Nino cried again...

And this continued till both were not sure what to debate anymore.

"You know what? I think I'll write my blog in my room." Alya slammed her Laptop shut and got up, heading towards the stairs. As she sighed, she heard the bag of Toffees being shaken. 

'How the heck did we get to talking about leather and meat?' she thought to herself as she sat on her bed, opening her Laptop. She shifted around on the bed, trying to find a comfortable position, but they're just wasn't one. 

 She walked over to the window and sat on a chair. She shifted around in the chair, for once allowing herself to slump instead of sitting upright as usual. As she tried to complete her Blog, she just couldn't instead, she ended up staring out at the lush green garden and the bright sun, casting rays of it's glorious light along the blue waters of the huge swimming pool(where Adrien and Marinette were splashing each other with water, awww they are soo cutee!) and the well-maintained grass of their house's garden. 

"It's too early to be eating toffees," she whispered, smiling to herself. She propped her arm up against the side of the chair, a smile playing on her lips. The door opened, and she assumed it was Marinette, back from swimming in the pool with Adrien. 

"Hey girl," Alya said, not taking her gaze away from the sun. "Hey Al," Marinette said. "Had fun with Adrien?" Alya asked, turning around to face her. "Yep," Marinette responded with a smile. "You have fun with Nino?" Alya reddened. "What kind of fun are you suggesting?" Marinette raised her eyebrows, hugging the towel to herself. "Al, don't hide it. Everyone knows you like Nino, and not as a friend, but waaay more than that." 

Alya looked down at her hands, folded neatly in her lap."Well, I don't like him, especially in that way..." She said slowly trailing off and sat there, staring at her hands for five minutes, when the door opened and Marinette walked in again, fully clothed. "You keep telling yourself that," Marinette said with a smug smile. "I've gotta go, I have a breakfast date with Adrien today." Marinette flipped her hair back, and with a quick smile, left the room, leaving Alya in her thoughts. 

So, it was possible she might like Nino, but it was only a crush out of jealousy. She was worried for him because Lila was a slut... or that she'd made her move on Nino first... No! No, no, no, no! Jealousy! It was jealousy! The more Alya  tried to convince herself she was just worried for Nino, and jealous because Nino had been spending so much time with Lila (Lila was practically forcing her self on him though...)and not her, the more she realized she was deceiving herself. So, it's possible she liked Nino. 

Even though he was a stubborn, a bit perverted, headphone crazy, Toffee loving idiot, she supposed opposites attract. There was most definitely a truth to that statement. She set the Laptop aside on the table and looked out the window once again, glad that the sun was not going to tell her she was in love with Nino Lahiffe. 

But she wasn't.  'Ah! Why am I telling myself I'm not when I just admitted it?' Alya thought angrily at herself. The door creaked open and she heard the sound of a candy bag being rustled. Nino stepped in, melted chocolate on his nose.


"Yes, Nino?" 

"Please try one of these Toffees." 


"Marinette said I should give you a Toffee, because you're in denial." 

"I don't want that disgusting Toffee, Nino. We've been over this." Alya sighed.

 By now, Nino had made his way over to the window sill, and Alya had stood up, her nose meeting his chin. He looked down at her. 

"I never said the Toffee." 

Then, Nino leaned in, pressing his lips against her's.

Alya's eyes widened, and after initial shock, she closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around his shoulders (which proved to be a bit difficult due to his Headphones dangling from his neck), and he wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing her closer. 

The two finally pulled away, a dazed look on both of their faces. "Nino..." Alya whispered, touching her lips. 

"You tasted like chocolate." 

Nino smiled. "I guess you finally got to try a Toffee anyway." 

"I suppose." 

"And did it taste good?" 

"As long as it's your Toffee, then yes, it was perfect." 

From behind the door, Marinette and Adrien smiled at each other. "See? I told you that it would work." Marinette said with a victorious smile. 

"Can I give you a sweet kiss, M'lady?" Adrien asked, pulling on Marinette's hair. 


"What?" Adrien asked. "But why?" 

Marinette rolled her eyes. "Why do guys always want to kiss? Even girls can do it, if they like." 

"Are you gonna give me a kiss then?" Adrien asked, raising his eyebrows. 

"Yes," Marinette said, leaning close, rummaging through her pocket. 

"Close your eyes."

 Adrien obliged, shutting his eyes and leaning forward with puckered lips. Marinette pulled a Toffee out of her jeans pocket. "You need to open your mouth a bit, kitty," Marinette exclaimed. "How do you expect me to give you a kiss with your mouth shut?" 


Marinette popped the Toffee into his mouth and ran down the stairs, laughing. 

"Marinette!" Adrien exclaimed, chasing her down the stairs. 

"What? You wanted a sweet kiss!"


A/N: How was it?

This is the first time I wrote a ship other that Adrienette, and enjoyed every moment of it!

Do you want more Djwifi shots in the future? Let me know!

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