Imagine: Stranger/crush [Part 3]

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She's been touring my house for probably 15 minutes now. It's as if she isn't though since I can't even hear her gasps of surprise.

I hear her footsteps and she comes back to the room, with a look of terror...or shock. Either or.

"You have a red piano?" Is all she says then walks back to her prior spot on the bar stool.

"Yes, I do." The meatballs are about done so I'm seasoning them while the noodles sit.

"I've always wanted a chroma-piano. Of my favorite color."

"Yeah?" I quickly glance at her. "What's your favorite color?"


I nod. "Good color."

"I know." She goes silent as I finish up the food. The sauce is on the stove, along with the pot of meatballs. The strain of noodles is in the sink, freshly drained. "Bon apetite." I do a Chef's kiss, making her laugh.

Already my new favorite sound.

I make our plates and sit hers in front of her. She smiles and picks up the fork, keeping her eyes on me. My heart flutters but my smile never falters as I watch her swirl a noodle onto the fork then press it into a meatball. She takes the bite and her face immediately lights up. I don't even ask if it's good because she speeds up her eating by 3x. I chuckle and grab my own fork. "Don't hurt yourself."

She doesn't respond and keeps eating.

Glad you like it.

I stay over the counter, opposite of her as we eat. I would've been next to her on the bar stool but it would be weird to lean over to see her face framed by her hair that you can't see from the side. I would have went to my table if I could see her face at all.

How far gone am I?

We finish the food and I get nervous at the thought of her leaving and never seeing her again. Obviously I need to see her again. We're both college students. The likelihood we have of seeing each other again is pretty slim unless I join a sport that happens to play against her school's team.

I sigh, furrowing my brows. I did only invite her here to make her food...technically. That doesn't mean I want her to go. "Are you okay?" She asks me, getting off the stool. How do I ask her to stay without sounding desperately selfish?

"You seem upset about something?" Taking a step closer, her eyes travel along the features of my face. I wonder what she's thinking. I wonder if she's thinking about how handsome I am. Because if I looked at her like that, I know I'd be thinking about how beautiful she is.

"I'm not." I lie, forcing a small smile. "Just thinking about what to do with all this extra food-"

"I'll take it." She interrupted before I even finished the word and I laughed at her. The eagerness in her tone made me happy enough to comply to her immediately, packing her a container with the rest of the noodles, meatballs and sauce. After a few minutes of doing so and securing the container closed, I slowly extend it out towards her.

"What about the container?"

"Keep it." I insist, shrugging a shoulder. "I have plenty others and incase I never see you again..."

"Oh, you'll see me again. Trust me." She takes the container keeping her glance on me.

How are my palms this sweaty from a sentence this woman has only muttered just now?

"Uh, thank you for a wonderful evening." Yappy yap.

"I'm the one who tells you that. I'm in your home and you cooked me dinner." She corrects. She looks around and sighs.

Wait, she wants to stay?

"Are you really leaving?" I nervously ask.

Her eyes meet mine the way I love. "Do you not want me to?"

I become too breathless to even speak. I don't want to chase her away by the next word. I don't want to seem too clingy or too much for her to handle. She sits the container down on my counter. I raise a brow in concern.

"You want me to stay so...I'll stay."

I fight the urge to pick her up and spin her right there. "Cool. So what are we watching?" I ask, gently grabbing her hand and leading her to sit on my couch. I ask her because I'm fine with anything that gets her to stay.


Except that.

I scoff and look at her. "Twilight? Don't tell me that's always your first choice."

"Oh I hate the movie. It's hilarious. I think we should make fun of it."

As she was speaking, I'd already pulled up the movie. I click play and the moment I do, my chest is being pushed down to lay horizontally and her head lands on it. I stabilize my breaths before tangling my hand in her hair, rubbing my finger tips on her scalp to soothe her.

She stopped by again and now she's cuddling me on my couch. Pointing at the horrible effects of Twilight of course.

It's been 2 days and I'm already in love with this girl.
Sorry for the extended wait! This is the end of this series, it was really hard coming up with an ending.

Imagine Stories to Help Fall AsleepOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz