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Quidditch, Quidditch, Quidditch.

That's all everyone was talking about.

The first match of the season, between Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Anastasia eyed Crabbe and Goyle, who were surely going to throw up with how much they were eating pre-game.

Jezelle caught her gaze, and followed it. "They're going to pull a reverse Potter if they keep stuffing their faces with Salazar knows what," she joked.

The joke earned a few grins, reminiscing on how Harry had swallowed the Snitch in his first ever Quidditch game.

A loud roar sounded from the Gryffindor table, and a few students jumped in surprise, looking around for the cause.

It was Luna - she was beaming happily from the Gryffindor table, standing behind a rather startled Harry and a pale Ron, which contrasted from his vibrant red hair.

Placed precariously atop Luna's hair sat an enormous lion's head, which Anastasia assumed the sound had come from.

"Hello ladies, care for a badge?" a snide voice said from behind them.

Turning around, Anastasia saw a fourth year Slytherin boy holding crown-shaped badges, the words Weasley is our King etched onto them in an elegant cursive.

Confused, Anastasia picked one up, examining it for any tricks. "Weasley is our King? What's this all about?" she asked, the suspicion evident in her tone.

The boy laughed. "Oh, you don't know? Malfoy asked me to hand 'em out. Got a lovely song to go along with it too."

"Malfoy?" Anastasia narrowed her eyes. "I'll be confiscating these, thanks. There's no need to hand anymore out," she said coolly, forcefully taking the badges from him.

The boy's face dropped, then lifted again into slight fury and frustration. "He won't like that. Give them back."

"Draco won't like it? Even better. Tell him I took them. That'll shut him up."

The fourth year made an exaggerated scoffing noise, and stalked away.

•◦ ◦•

By some weird coincidence (and a little pushing and shoving), Anastasia found herself squeezed between Mattheo and Jezelle, even though the stands weren't even fully filled yet. Neither of them made an effort to move.

Jezelle refused to talk or even look at Mattheo, and she always let out a huff whenever they crossed paths.

"Fancy seeing you here, princess," Mattheo murmured lowly into her ear.

"We're in the same house. Why wouldn't I be here?" Anastasia said, giving him a quick glance as to not immediately embarrass herself in front of him, and also so Jezelle didn't catch onto her reborn feelings for the boy.

"I thought you were going for Gryffindor?" he inquired.

"You remember that?"

He nodded.

"I have a question."


"What're these?" she asked, pulling out one of the badges she had confiscated.

Mattheo's eyebrows furrowed, and he took her hand, bringing the badge closer to his face. "Weasley is our King. You didn't make them, did you?"

This could be fun (🐍 boys gc) - T.N, M.R & D.MWhere stories live. Discover now