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The next day a girl with long wet red hair, aqua blue eyes, wearing high waisted green shorts, a purple crop top and light green flip flops walked to Disney Academy.
She knocked on the door and when Walt opened it a slender gold bloodhound with a black nose, long ears, a long black tail and a green collar jumped on her and licked her "Pluto down, down." Said the man and the dog slowly behaved "Good boy." He pet the dog on its head "I'm sorry Pluto jumped on you, he just gets really excited when he meets new people." "It's okay, is he your dog?" Asked the girl "No it's my neighbor and best friend's Mickey." "Ah, I'm Ariel by the way." "Oh yes, I'm Walt, Walt Disney, come in." They shook hands and Ariel came in "Whoa I love this place." Said the girl excited "I'm glad you like it, I don't wanna sound annoying but your hair is dripping." "Oh I'm so sorry, I just swam in the ocean that's why it's wet, I completely forgot about it." She took a towel out of her bag and started drying her hair a little bit "It's okay, would you like me to show you around a little bit." "I'd love too.".
"That's your room." Said Mr. Disney to Ariel while pointing at the room right next to the other girls' one, she opened the door "I should have roommates right?" "Yes but you're the first one to arrive." "Ah, who will I share it with?" "Belle and Jasmine, they're 17 and 16." "Oh great they're around my age, I'm 16 so you know." He smiled at the girl and then she said "Well thank you Mr. Disney for the tour." "You're welcome Ariel, lunch is at 1 though." "Kay, see you then." She entered the room and looked amazed around.
"Do you think we should do it?" Asked Snow to Ella while Aurora was sleeping "We have to, it's almost noon." "I know but what if she'll get all grumpy?" "She won't c'mon." They walked towards the sleeping girl and Snow said "Hey Aurora wake up." "Wake up." They shook her a little "Whoa she doesn't easily wake up." Said Ella "Maybe we should get her a prince to kiss her and maybe then she'll wake up." Ella laughed a little "If this doesn't work we'll certainly do that." Snow smiled "Wake up sleeping beauty." Said Ella and she know slowly woke up "Ugh what's going on?" Did sleeping beauty ask "It's 11:47." Said Snow "PM?" "AM." "What? Seriously? But I haven't even eaten breakfast yet." She stood up "Wait, did you just call me: sleeping beauty?" Did she ask to Ella "I thought it suited you." "Thanks." She ran to her closet "What color should I wear today? Pink or blue?" "Pink." Said Snow at the same time that Cinderella said "Blue." "You know what I'll do both." She quick chose some clothes "Are those the only colors you have in your closet?" Asked Ella "Ah ah, now toodles." She left and Snow White and Ella looked a bit confused at each other.
This time, a boy with black hair, ice blue eyes, wearing a white long sleeved shirt, blue jeans with a red belt and black boots walked to Disney Academy.
He knocked on the door and Mr. Disney opened the door "Hi, I'm Eric, I'm gonna live here." "My name is Walt Disney, come in Eric." He walked in "I suppose you'd like me to show you around?" "That'd be nice." "Alright follow me.".
When they got upstairs they suddenly heard a singing voice "Who sings so beautifully?" Asked the boy "That must be Ariel, she arrived here two hours ago." "Ah ah." Did he say amazed "Now this is your room, you're the first one to arrive in it." "Who will be my roommates?" "Adam, Aladdin and John." "Okay well thank you for all the information." "You're welcome, if you need me, I'll be downstairs, lunch is at 1pm." "Okay see you then." Walt left and Eric walked over to Ariel's room and knocked on the door "Hi." Did she say opening the door "Hi, I'm Eric, I'm new here." "I'm Ariel, I'm new here too." "So you probably wonder what I'm doing here, well I wanted to tell you you have an amazing voice." "You think?" "I do." "Well thank you." "Hey I wanted to know if you'd like to, oh you won't like that, forget it." "What?" "Would you like to go to the port with me and sail on my boat with me." "I'd love to, I love the ocean." "That's amazing. Is after lunch a great time for you?" "Perfect." "Okay, see you then." "Yeah bye." While closing the door she smiled.
It was lunch time and everyone walked downstairs but when Ella walked down the stairs she suddenly lost her shoe, when she noticed she turned around and there was Henry holding the shoe for her and asking "Lost something?" "Oh yes thank you." She took the shoe and put it back on "You loose your shoe often?" "For some reason, yes." He laughed, they arrived in the dining room and sat down at a table "Hello..." Started Walt Disney "...As you can see we got two newcomers, Ariel and Eric." "Who's who? Asked Philip joking and the other ones just desperately smiled at Philip, Walt sat down "Hey do you think Philip is cute?" Asked Aurora whispering to Cinderella "He's kinda cute, why?" "Oh I don't know, just wanted your opinion so I'd know I'm not the only one." Ella laughed a little "The only one who what?" Asked Snow White while joining the conversation "Who thinks Philip is cute." Said Briar Rose "Oh yeah he's sorta cute." Suddenly someone knocked on the door "Oh I wonder who that is." Said Mr. Disney excited and he ran to the door.
Behind the door was standing a beautiful girl with brown hair in a ponytail with a blue bow in it, hazel eyes, a white T-Shirt, blue shorts and black flats.
"Hello there." Said Walt but she didn't answer she was reading a book "Hello." Insisted Mr. Disney a bit confused "Oh hello, I'm so sorry but I love this book so much I completely forgot I just knocked on the door." "That's alright, you like reading, that's a good thing and quite rare with teenagers nowadays." She smiled at the man "I'm Belle." "Walt Disney." They shook hands "Come in." She walked in "Belle means Beautiful in French right?" Asked the man to the young girl "It does." "Well it's a beautiful name." She smiled "Thank you." "As much as I would love to give you a tour around the house, you came right in the middle of lunch so would you like to join us?" "Of course." "In that case follow me." Belle followed Walt to the dining room "Everyone this is Belle." Introduced Mr. Disney "Hi." Said Belle "And that's Snow White, Ella, Aurora, Ariel, Ferdinand, Henry, Philip and Eric." "Whoa I hope I can remember all that." "I hope you can 'cause not even the half has arrived yet." "Ah." "You can sit down if you like." Belle and Walt sat down "So who'll be my roommates?" "Me and Jasmine, but she hasn't arrived yet." Said Ariel "Ah right, well I hope we'll have a great time together." "So do I." Someone knocked on the door again "Already someone else?" Said Walt while standing up and walking towards the door.
The boy who knocked on the door was wearing a red hooded sweatshirt with the hood covering his face, he wore black trousers and brown shoes, he had a beard and extremely thick eyebrows, his hair was light auburn and his eyes blue.
Walt opened the door "Hello?" "Hello, I'm Adam." He kept his head down and his hands in his pockets "Oh Adam come in, I'm Walt Disney." He walked in "Would you like to join us for lunch?" "I'd rather directly go to my room, I've just had a tiring trip." "Oh sure, I'll show you your room." "Thank you.".
When Walt came back everyone was already done eating "Oh are you all done eating already?" Asked Walt sad "Oh yeah, sorry, where's the new guy?" Asked Eric "In his room." "He didn't want to meet us first?" Asked Belle "No he said he was tired." "Ah." "Talking about being tired, honestly I'm a bit tired myself." Said Aurora "But you slept for hours." Said Snow "I know, it's weird but I think I'm gonna take a nap." Ella and Snow White laughed, Aurora left and Walt sat down and continued eating "I'm sorry Mr. Disney but we have to go somewhere." Said Ariel "Oh that's okay sweetie, go, have fun." Said Walt and Ariel and Eric smiled at him and left "We'll stay with you." Said Ferdinand "Yeah." Said Philip and the three roommates stayed with Disney as well as Ella and Snow "I think I'm gonna check on the new boy." Said Belle "That's very sweet of you Belle." Said Walt, she smiled at the man and left.
"Whoa that ship over there is huge." Said Ariel amazed when she and Eric arrived at the port "Oh yeah, that's The Jolly Roger, the biggest ship here." "Whoa, the guy who owns it must be terribly rich." "Not really, he just inherited it from his rich grandfather." "Ah." "The guy lives in it though." "He does? The ship is fancy but it doesn't seem like a very joyful place to live." "Yeah he's a bit weird and pretty mean." "He is, what's his name? "James Bartholomew Hook, or like he enjoys being called: Captain Hook." "Captain Hook? That sounds like a pirate name." "He thinks he is one." Ariel laughed "He's even got a hook replacing his left hand." "A hook?" "Yeah 20 years ago a crocodile bit off his hand and since his last name is Hook he wanted to replace it with a hook." "That's terrible." "Yeah." "Eric I see you're back, sadly." Said Hook while standing on his ship, he had a thin black mustache, long black hair and was wearing a red pirate costume "I am." "Are you gonna sail on your tiny little speedboat?" "It goes pretty fast you know." "Yes but it does fit a billion times in my ship, The Jolly Roger." Eric sighed "I don't care, and I'm not here to speak to you so goodbye Hook." He walked to the spot his boat normally was but it wasn't there "Hook, where's my boat?" "Oh did I forget to mention, I crashed it." "You did what?!" "It was an accident but your boat's just so small that I didn't see it." "I can't believe it, do you know how much that boat cost me?" "Probably not as much as my ship." "This is unbelievable." "Come on Smee let's look for a treasure." Said the pirate while leaving "Is he serious?" Asked Ariel "Sadly yes." Eric sat sad down on a bench "If you want to I can help you regain enough money to buy yourself a new boat." "You don't have to do that." "But I'd love to help." "It's okay you really don't n..." "I insist, I'm gonna help you no matter what." "Thanks." "But now, let's swim." "I'm not an amazing swimmer." "That's okay, 'cause I am, I can help you c'mon." He laughed and they ran to the water.
Belle knocked on Adam's room's door "Who is it?" Did she hear an annoyed voice say "Belle, I'm new here too and I wanted to know if you were alright." "I'm fine." "Are you sure? You don't seem to be fine." "What would you know about it?" "I just want to help." "I don't need your help!" Did he say while opening the door angrily and suddenly he took a little moment to look at the girl "Hi." Said Belle "Go away." "But I want to help you, please." "Didn't you hear me, I don't need help." "If you don't need help, can't we at least just talk, or try to be friends or something." "I don't need friends." "Yes you do everybody does." "Just please if you wanna be my friend, leave me alone." He closed the door and left Belle sad in the hallway.
A little further was a girl walking with medium skin, black hair in a ponytail held together by 2 light blue bands, she also had a light blue hair band in it, she has big brown eyes, big golden earrings, a golden necklace and was wearing a light blue crop top with the same color jeans and flats. The girl suddenly bummed into a boy with medium skin as well, black hair, brown eyes and wearing white pants with a red belt, a blue sleeveless jacket, beige flip flops, and a red beanie "Oh I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was walking." Said the boy "No I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention the road either." Replied the girl "Looking for something?" The girl was holding a map "Oh yeah, I'm heading towards Disney Academy but I can't find it?" "Oh so am I, wanna walk together?" "I'd love to, thank you." "No problem, I'm Aladdin though." "Jasmine.".
After a while they arrived at Disney Academy and Aladdin knocked on the door, Walt opened it and said "Hello." "Hi, I'm Aladdin." "Jasmine." "I'm Walt Disney, come in." They walked in "You came here together?" Asked the man "Sorta, she couldn't find Disney Academy so I helped, we accidentally bummed into each other." Explained Aladdin "Ah ah, well I'm glad to have you here, you're the last ones to arrive for today." "Oh my god Jasmine!" Said Aurora from above the stairs and she ran downstairs "Do I know you?" Asked Jasmine "No but you will, you were on the cover of Fairy Tales Magazine, right?" "Oh yeah, that's true, I've been on several covers though." "I know, you're amazing." "Thanks." "Why are you on magazine covers?" Asked Aladdin confused "My father is the richest man in Agrabah, that's where I come from." "Oh I come from there too." "You do? That's great." "I'm rich too though." "You are?" Asked Jasmine, Aurora and Walt confused at the same time "Yeah, not as rich as you of course but my dad as found plenty of gold on a lot of places." "That's hum great." Said Jasmine "Your clothes aren't fancy." Said Aurora "I don't like to brag about my money." "Oh so you think I brag about my money?" Asked Jasmine "No no I... I hum Walt be a nice dude and show us our rooms." "Hum sure." Said Mr. Disney confused.
"Well there's your room Jasmine and there's yours Aladdin." Said Walt "Oh call me Ali, that sounds more fancy." "Jasmine, 'Ali', dinner is at 8." "We'll be there." Said Jasmine and Walt left "I'm sorry I got mad at you earlier, I understand if you'd rather not wear anything fancy." "I forgive you." Said Ali "Well see you at dinner Ali." "Bye Jasmine." They entered in their rooms.
When Aladdin entered his, Eric said "Heard you're a rich guy." "Yeah not really." Said Ali "You lied?" "Ah ah." "Why?" "'Cause I'm a poor thief and Jasmine is very rich." "You like Jasmine?" "I just don't want her to think I'm a dirty street rat." "Obviously you're not, 'cause you live here." "Yeah but I didn't before so please don't tell her." "I promise, I'm Eric though." "Aladdin, or Ali whatever you want, who's the dude on the upper bed of the bunk bed?" "Adam, he isn't really talkative." "But I'm not deaf." Said Adam "You promise you won't tell anyone about my lie?" Asked Ali to Adam "I don't care." "Alright, I suppose that's 'yes', now that that's settled I can finally rest a little, wake me up for dinner." Eric sighed with a smile and Aladdin laid down on the bottom bed of the second bunk bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2015 ⏰

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