Chapter 1

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Harry and Leta were walking in Diagon Allley looking through shops.

"So, you are a Metamorphmagus?" Asked Leta.

"Yeah, it comes in handy in times like these."

They get to the Leaky Cauldron and rent a room for a few nights.

"So, let me get this straight, you are famous because you survived the killing curse when you were 1 year old, right?" Leta asks


"And the person who tried to kill you, this Lord Voldemort, everyone believes is dead, but actually he isn't?"


Leta snaps "Okay, now give me the whole story."

"Well, Voldemort tried to kill me when I was 1, but that night he also vanished. Altough just his physical body, he has horcruxes, in fact 7, and one of them was in my scar. This year, there is Tri-Wizard tournament happening and one of his followers is gonna enter me there, so at the end of it, Voldemort can have back body." Harry tells her.

Leta sits there, staring at Harry. Harry snaps his fingers in front of her to wake her up from her shock.

"Alright, so are we going back to Hogwarts after this years holidays?" Leta asks.

"Yeah, I mean I technically already graduated but you didn't." 

"Right, but you will also teach me some actually useful things, right?" 

"You want me to teach you?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, you said your great with wards and overall beating dueling champions." Leta answers excitedly.





Albus Dumbledore was furious. His martyr, his loyal little weapon was gone. Harry Potter just vanished. One day he was in Privet Drive with the Dursleys and then the next Mrs. Figg came to him, telling him that Harry wasn't there anymore. 'How could that happen? He can't do magic without the Ministry knowing about it and he's not smart enough to find a way to run away?' Dumbledore thought. 

Even his monitors for the horcrux in Harry's scar wasn't working, just like the one that showed the state of blood wards that are around the Dursleys' house. Harry's friends also didn't know anything since he didn't write to them.

Dumbledore was knocked from his thinking by someone coming in his office.

The door burst open and Molly Weasley came shouting "Albus! The bloody goblins won't allow me in Harry's vault for some reason! Do something about it!" 

Dumbledore was gobsmacked. Harry wasn't supposed to know that Molly had his key, and definitely not going to Gringotts alone. 

"That is most worrying Molly, but sadly we can't find him."

"Can't you do more? I want the money Albus, you promised that I would get them!."

"Yes Molly, I know, but worry not, once I find Harry I'll get him straight back in line and everything will be alright, don't worry."

With that Molly left and Dumbledore was left to think once again about this situation. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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