Aussie fear

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N walked inside J's room. It was mostly dark, but he could make out her bed with a bulge in the blanket, shaking and leaving quiet sobs. He walked to to it and started petting the top of the blanket.

"There, there J. You don't need to cry" He tried to calm his leader down, wich worked, seeing that she stopped crying "What happened to make you act like this?"

"V" She sobbed a little "V's bullying me with something very personal" Some tears fell down her face.

"Hmm, that does sound like her, but, c'mon, it can't be that bad. You're a strong drone, you can overcome that" He tried to cheer her up.

"This one I can't" She weakly said.

"You won't know if you don't try"

"I don't want to try" She pulled the blanket, covering her entire body.

"You can't be like this J. Don't you want to be a better disassembly drone?" Her response was silence "If you do, you have to overcome this fears to be the best you, you can be" Once again, no sound came from the blanket "Hey, if you want, I'll even help you" He offered, this time, getting a movement from J. She slowly uncovered herself and looked at him.

"You would?"

"Of course I would!" He said with a smile in his face. J looked to the side, then got up and walked to the door.

"Then follow me" She said as she left the room. N excitedly followed her, not believing he actually succeded. As he was following his leader, he noticed how she was shaking, but fortunaly, she never backed down. The two walked outside of the pod, only to hear something coming from their side.

"Oi mate" Said a voice with a heavy australian accent. Looking to the side, both could see V standing like a nightmare monster at the door's side. Her body completely still with arms pointing straight to the ground, her head tilted to the side with a large smile, the yellow cross shining in her visor.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh" J screamed, before falling to the ground, unconscious.

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