~ch 2~

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  the next day xie jiayi woke up to the two talking 'wow gege really trust this guy so i guess ill trust him for now'

  "morning gege and san lang" she said in a tired expression but with a smile on her face.

  "morning jiayi!" her brother exclaimed while san lang simple said morning. she soon noticed that a few things about the shrine is different like the door and no holes in the roof.

   she sent a confused expression towards her brother which he responed with "san lang helped fixed the shrine" he calmly expressed.

   "hmm alright.. oh! did he also paint the painting of the heavenly prince and princess as well? it looks awesome"

  san lang nodded and smiled at her comment "thank you lady jiayi though i dont know about the princess unlike the prince of heaven"  he said in a calm manner.

"ah.. thats normal the princess is hardly known aha. but i hear she has a tiny shrine somewhere!"

"hmm maybe ill learn about her if i find that tiny shrine later" he smiled a little

"hmm maybe, anyway gege!" she exclaimed
"yes, jiayi? need something?"
"mm, im heading to town to get more food write if your leaving somewhere"

soon she opened the door "welp i'll be heading off now bye!" she waved them off and left for the town.

" be careful when going to the village jiayi!" the older brother said with a worried tone but san lang put his habds on his shoulders to calm his nerves "she's going to be okay she can handle herself" suddenly a group of men came towards the shrine.
^with xie jiayi^

'hmm what can i get for dinner tonight, since its three people ill need plenty' as she got caught up in her thoughts she accidentally bumped into someone "oh my im so so so sorry sir i wasnt looking and-" she was cut off by the guy "its alright mam i also wasnt paying attention" he had a sheepish smile.

as she got a closer look at him he had messy but silky raven black hair, eyes the color of gold, and light blue outer robes and he seems to have a black ribbion on his neck "heh, well my name is xie jiayi yours sir?" she asked in an nervous tone.

"im... Zhou Xing" he said in a uncertain tone.

"well its nice to meet you zhou xing!, well i'll be on my way now have a good day!" she smiled and ran to the food stalls.
^??? pov^

'ahh.. she still kind hearted after all these years.. shes still as beautiful as the day she died in front of me even if she dont remember me ill always love her.... for shes the one that saved me......

xie jiayi .... my savior'

the mysterious guy soon disappeared suddenly into the dark

"hmhmhm~" she hummed excitedly for she enjoyed cooking and coming home to see her brother.

when she got home with the food she bought she noticed a note saying 'we'll be back soon -xie lian and san lang-

'hm alright i did say to leave a note if they were going out' she nodded her head silently 'cookig time!' she exclaimed excitedly and begain cooking.

after cooking a big dinner she ate her share and fell asleep waiting for the other two.
nobody pov

"jiayi were hom-" xie jiayi noticed she fell asleep and the cooking "ah you really didnt need to go out of your way to cook but tanks for the food" he exclaimed happily
as well as san lang then they dug into the food.
soon after finishing their meal san lang offered to wash the dishes and xie lian agreed.


so they borh fell asleep on the same bed as usual.

sorry if its sorter than last chapter its just im not feeling good at the moment
anyways i hope you all enjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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