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My shirt was new; it was pink and very ugly. The temperature was lower than thirty, I'd been in my dorm for five days. Grabbing the covers, I sink deeper into the bed, hearing the sound of the open window, my eyes watching the dull grey light on the bedroom floor.

My mind was blank now. I haven't seen anyone since the police officer left. If I did, I can't remember. She was asking about Kane. No, Yuna.

She asked about Yuna before I told her to fuck off. That was the last thing I can remember. My head is filled with blank spaces where thoughts should be.

Julie tries to make me remember everything that happened in a week but always fails. It's not amnesia. I'm just always high.

The only clear memories I have were when I was twelve. And I hated them. In my fog-covered head, there's this vivid memory. A sunny afternoon in Preyton, I was in a car, my eyes glued to a computer screen playing Zuma Rock. There, my limping mother had wandered off to smoke her cigar. Sometimes that’s what happens. No burns, no bone snap, no screams. Just an irretrievable slipping. I’d seen mother after all her arrests; I've never been to a foster home because she always proves herself to be clean, no matter what I tell the cops. And there, that day, the truck. It took her away. No burns, no bone snaps, no loud screams.

And after taking every I could just to forget, it's the only memory left.

Grabbing the covers again, I bite through my wrist to wake myself up. Turning, I catch a glimpse of Julie's picture on Yuna's bedside table. I could imagine her sitting on a shambled-down sofa, her lips on the wooden frame, a sharp burst of smoke. Then all of us running on the field, back to Middleschool, when the boys still cared and when she was the prettiest.

There was a slight knock on the door, waking me up from my daydream.

"It's me," a tiny voice spoke after a few more knocks. It was Anna, the white-haired witch trying to get me to class. "Eva, we've got a test."

I knew about the test; I wanted to skip. But a part of me also didn't want to because I've been trying to stay alive, which is strong enough proof.

"I know you can hear me," her high-pitched tiny voice called again. "I'm not leaving, so come out."

Pulling myself out of bed, I take the pink shirt off, changing into a black one, then dragging my bag to unlock the door.

"Ready!?" She said, almost skipping while she childishly clapped her hands, her short blue dress blinding me because of its brightness. I grunt and follow her. I haven't been out for a while, and I feel like the sun is low-key trying to burn me, though it was covered by heavy clouds.

"Where have you been?" I asked. She hasn't been dragging me to class, so she mustn't have been around.

"I went to my mum's," she said, putting on her hundredth layer of lip-gloss. "You seem uhm--"

"Alive?" I spoke. "I know."

"Where's Julie?" She asked quickly, like she's been wanting to ask or whatever.

"I do not know, she is with Yuna," I answered, trying to avoid further questions.

Our class is on the third floor. I get pissed every time I look out the window and see trees and grass, and what's worse is looking into the class and seeing humans.

I took a seat way back, away from Anna, to avoid further lectures, questions, and advice from the hyper-active teenager.

I was planning on actually listening to our professor yap about Germany during the world war, when I heard an irritating loud whisper behind me.

"Hey, Eva?" It was Kane. What the fuck is he doing here? "

He took the seat next to me. He looked uneasy as he sat down. "What do you want?"

"No, what are YOU doing here?" He asked in a loud whisper.

"Studying," I said, stating the obvious. "Haven't you been sleeping or something you look like shit"

Look who's talking.

Looking concerned, he raised an eyebrow, putting his hands into his pockets while he breathed slowly. "You don't know what happened, do you?"


"To Julie and Yuna," he continued, his face was red, his eyes too.

"I don't" I whispered even louder. The last time I saw Yuna and Julie, they went to look for him, and Julie lived off-campus.

As he attempted to speak, silence filled the air instead of words. I nudged him, my hands trembling. "J-Julie is dead," he managed to utter.

I felt my heart pounding against my ribcage, and suddenly, everything went numb. I found myself muttering a prayer, desperate erase this too.

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