The School's Cultural Festival

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Monday morning

The culture festival is now in sight, students of the school are getting prepared for it, getting out their costumes, their instruments, their crafts, or whatever else they are planning to show and share. Ludwig and Amai walk to the school, as Ludwig speaks up

Ludwig: I must admit, I've heard that the festival is always quite the spectacle

Ludwig grins, as he looks over to her

Amai: Yes it is, isn't it beautiful?

Ludwig grins again

Ludwig: Indeed! I must say, it makes me quite excited

He pauses, before speaking again

Ludwig: I've never participated in a Culture festival before, but I've heard that the ones here at the school have been quite enjoyable before and I suppose because of that...I'm excited!

Amai: That's great

Ludwig nods, as they walk the rest of the way to the school, Amai can tell that he's just generally excited to see what this culture festival has in store for them

They arrive at the school, and walk inside, students are already setting up whatever they need to set up, and there is a small, almost buzzing, sense of excitement in the air, Ludwig takes a deep breath and hums softly under his breath

Ludwig: I am positively brimming with excitement

He takes hold Amai's hand, and turns to her

Ludwig: What do you want to do first, Amai? We can pretty much do whatever we want here.

Amai: I don't know

Ludwig shrugs, and walks further into the school, leading Amai alongside him, he takes the time to look around the rooms he's walking by

He sees some people making food, some people writing, drawing, painting, acting, the school is already bustling with activity, it's only the first day after all

They eventually stop, letting Ludwig continue to take in all of the excitement and chaos of the school

He pauses for a moment, before looking over to Amai and speaking, still staring around at the commotion around them

Ludwig: Have any ideas now?

Amai: Maybe but I'm not sure yet

Ludwig nods, still looking around

Ludwig: Alright then, how about we walk around some more then? Seeing as you're unsure of what you want to do at the moment

Amai: I guess so

Ludwig takes Amai by the hand, and they begin to walk once more, they walk through some of the other rooms of the school, seeing some students getting food ready, other students making different crafts, Amai can tell that Ludwig's heart is nearly bursting out of his chest at how excited he is

He looks over to her, and grins as he continues walking by her side as he speaks

Ludwig: This atmosphere is simply wonderful, isn't it? I can already tell that this is going to be an event that I will look back on fondly

Amai: I'm sure it will

A smile spreads across his face, and he laughs loudly

Ludwig: Ah! I'm just so damn excited! And I can see you are as well

He continues to walk alongside her as they look at all of the chaos and excitement the Culture Festival has to offer

Ludwig and Amai pass a group of students who are in the middle of setting up a show, one of them notices Amai and Ludwig, then approaches them, a girl named Midori Gurin starts speaking to Ludwig

Midori: Hey! You seem pretty excited about this whole shindig, how about you join our show?

Ludwig is stunned for a moment, before a large smile forms on his face, he lets out a soft chuckle, and responds to Midori

Ludwig: I would love to! I'd be thrilled to be a part of a show like this!

Amai Odayaka X Ludwig Von KoopaWhere stories live. Discover now