The Young Substitute School Nurse

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Monday morning at school on May 9th

Amai, Ludwig and Uekiya were chatting on the second floor

Amai: So Uekiya, you and Itachi are dating?

Uekiya: Yeah, we are...

Amai: Well I'm glad you two are together, congratulations!

Ludwig: Yeah I'm happy for you two as well, I'm just glad he finally confessed his feelings for you

Uekiya: Thanks, besides even though Itachi can be quite grumpy, he was honest with me and that made me feel better

Amai: That's great

Uekiya: Anyways, how are you and Ludwig doing?

Amai: We're doing just fine, right now we're planning on getting in a community theater play

Uekiya: That sounds like fun!

Ludwig: I know, but I'm still waiting for a response from one of the theaters

Uekiya: I see...

Amai, Ludwig and Uekiya suddenly hear the student council talking

Kukoro: I told you Akane, Nasu is on vacation while Muja is taking over her job and studying here to be a nurse

Akane: Yes I know she's a substitute nurse here, but she does seem clumsy right?

Kukoro: Indeed, even though she's in training, the faculty might try to help her in anyway they can

Akane: I guess so

Amai, Ludwig and Uekiya hear this, surprised

Uekiya: A substitute nurse in training? They can't be serious?

Ludwig: Well since the actual school nurse is on vacation, I guess it makes sense, but still...

Amai: Yeah...I think I might have to see her for myself

Ludwig: Go ahead, I wouldn't mind

Amai: Uekiya?

Uekiya: It's okay with me, I just hope she's nice, that's all

Amai: Okay

As Amai gets to the first floor, she thinks to herself while going on the infirmary

Amai: I'm curious to know what the substitute nurse looks like and if she might be nice

Amai peaks at the infirmary door window to see Muja walking around

Amai Odayaka X Ludwig Von KoopaWhere stories live. Discover now