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*after the song*

BF: Ska Bep!

Benjamin: Alright, I get it! You're a singer, you get the girl! Everything in your life is just so easy and you're exactly who I should've turned out to be! I get it! I get it! I get it.... So why are you tormenting me like this?

BF: Bap beep do?

Benjamin: Well it's what you should be saying because it's true! So why are you not saying it? Why don't you throw it in my face that you are the perfect version of me? 

BF: Bep?

Benjamin: Just do it already.... 

*after the song*

Benjamin: I don't get it. ...  I just don't know why.... I wish you'd just tell me all the horrible things I don't want to hear. I've been told my whole life I should end up as someone like you. And now that I have a good look at you. The absolute embodiment of everything I failed to be... ...You're not even who I WANT to be. Hell, You're not even me, are you?

BF: Boo doo boop

Benjamin: Yeah, sorry about all that... I guess.... I'm still getting over some things.... You actually seem really cool.... Your girlfriend too.

GF: :)

Benjamin: Maybe... We could even be friends...? I understand if it's off the table after all that...

BF: Skdooby dooby doo!

Benjamin: Really? I'd....really like that-

Benjamin is awoken by Pico shaking him gently, appearing rather concerned.

Pico: Benjamin.... Benjamin! Wake up already, I know damn well you aren't a heavy sleeper.

Benjamin: ugh.... Eh?! Pico? where is?

Pico: Are you alright? you were tossing and turning, You looked and sounded upset

Benjamin: I....Oh.... It was all a dream... They.... Weren't actually.... .... 

Pico: What were you even dreaming about?

Benjamin: I don't even know where to start. It felt so real.

Pico: Fair enough. Well.... Try to head back to bed alright? We have that double date with Grace and her new boyfriend tomorrow

Benjamin: oh yeah. I'm glad she finally moved on. Hopefully he treats her right. She deserves it. ... Now that I think about it.... What was his name again...? Sen-

(this is where the story ends so far! :D

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