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Despite being battered and bruised, Pico and Benjamin find solace in one another's company. While healing, a treacherous month flies by, which they spend tending to wounds. Soon, the boys feel well and brave enough to face the streets once again. Signs of the holiday season litter the scene, with snowflakes dancing in the air, golden bells ringing, and children laughing. A crowd of strangers whisper to one another in excitement, waiting beside a sign that reads: "Annual Holiday Fairest Meet And Greet!" The two boys enjoy the winter season with smiles, distracted by one another's company.

Pico: I can't believe you're actually making me wear this (Christmas themed outfit)

Benjamin: What? You look adorable!

Pico: *he blushes* I Know.... That's the problem....

Benjamin: Come on Toughie, this is our first time out and about in a month. At least try and enjoy it-


Pico: ?!

Benjamin: ... Fuck.

Pico: A crowd?

Benjamin: ... oh no.... What day is it?

Pico: The 17th....why?

Marilyn: OUR SON!

Benjamin: ... That's why....

Frank: Just in time for the holidays!

Marilyn: We were beginning to fear the worst...

Benjamin: ...

Frank: How about we celebrate, s p o r t?

Marilyn: Aaaaaaaaaand finally get you home! 


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