"Saya. You have to calm down" dad struggled to keep ahold on me. Cuan-kun wiggled out of my sweater and sat beside me not wanting to be squished by the conflict.

"Saya" dad warned.

"No!" I kicked and screamed, flailing around. "No I want to kill her! Let me go!"

"Saya this isn't like you! This isn't my baby girl!" Dad was almost in tears as he watched me struggle against him.

I was starting to calm down enough to notice my body wasn't listening to me. It was like I was watching a show and my body was being controlled by the beast inside me.

I suddenly became very confused. I was over reacting. This wasn't how to resolve things, but I couldn't stop! And the anger that rushed threw my body threatened to pull me in again.

"Stop!" I tried to scream but nothing happened. My lips didn't move.

My body continued to struggle against my dad, clawing it's way free of his iron grip.

"Saya" he growled. "Stop this"

"Let me go!" I screeched, a huge wave of chakra flooded my veins, my teeth sharpened to a very fine point, pushing against my lip.

Dad was struggling to keep ahold of me. Without telling my body to do so I leaned down and bit into dad's arm, blood flooding into my mouth.

My leg kicked out, landing a solid blow on dad's stomach. Breaking free of his iron cage I was able to gather enough control of my body to scoop up Cuan-kun before another flow of chakra propelled me far far away from dad and his heart broken expression, from Ren and the pain. Away from my home.

||P.O.V. Yuki|| written by (BrookeSimmons )

My hand gripped the tree angrily, the hard plant giving in on my grip. Beside me Kim looked at my grip on the tree, but she didn't say anything. I had been gone for weeks, and yet we had not found any trail of the woman who harmed my child.
"Yuki-sama, perhaps it's time to return to Konoha." Kim said softly. "Saya is probably missing you a lot. Remember, she did just lose someone close to her as well. Naruto-sama may be fine and all, but I think she needs her mother."

My grip tightened more for a moment making my hand go through the tree. Feeling the crystal forming on the tree I pulled my fist from the plant. Taking a deep breath I gave a stiff nod.

"I guess you're right, Kim." I muttered, studying the ground below me. "I just... I want to find that woman who hurt Saya, and Ren, and make her pay for what she did. But you're right. Right now the one who probably needs me most is Saya.

"I rubbed my head in frustration. "I'm such an idiot! Instead of being there, I've been running after this woman, who we actually have no lead on!"

Kim placed a paw on my leg, looking up at me. "It's a natural instinct. You just feel that Saya is still in danger, and you want to eliminate that danger." She paused, looking at me. "You know, she is now twelve."

I nodded, already catching on to what she was hinting to. "And while she is a Uzumaki, she is also a Okami." A small smile formed on my face. "I guess it's time for her to add her name to the list of all of the other Okami's."

Kim nodded, a toothy smile playing at her lips. "I can't wait for her to summon us."

My smile completely dropped when I felt a surge of chakra blast through a kunai I had given. I blinked, not having had this feeling in a while. "Naruto-kun?" I muttered, recognizing the chakra. Looking down at Kim, I nodded at her for her to return home before I released the seal. Immediately, the forest scenery was replaced by our home. Looking around I found Naruto pacing by the door, pulling at his hair. I looked around, checking for Saya. When I noticed she wasn't here, and how late it was I found my anxiety rising.

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