035. jacksonville jaguars

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kylie winced as patrick got sandwiched in between two guys, landing on top of another guy and falling to the floor, staying down for a moment longer than he normally would have. the crowd went silent as he got up and limped a few steps away before practically doubling over in pain, clutching his right knee.
"shit, is he okay?" kylie gasped. she could feel the familiar anxiety building up in her chest, the anxiety that appeared every time anything remotely out of the ordinary happened to patrick on the field.
"I don't think so." randi shook her head. they both watched as patrick shook his head at the ref and motioned for the play to be called.
he limped back to the huddle, waving anyone off who asked him if he was okay to play.
"he's literally struggling to walk. What is he doing?" mia added, also concerned for her older brother.
the suite was almost silent with tension as patrick called the play but wasn't able to move about properly.
down on the field, everyone could tell that, despite what he was saying, patrick was in a lot of pain. they decided to call for a timeout, buying him some time to get his ankle wrapped without missing any of the game.
when he came back into the game after convincing everyone he was okay, creed snapped the ball to him and he made an effort to try and move about in the pocket, but he couldn't move properly. he threw the ball too late, meaning travis missed the catch, and it was ruled an incompletion.
when he got back to the sideline, patrick noticed coach Reid coming up to him.
"I'm gonna take you out and get you x-rayed." he told patrick, who shook his head at him.
"No. fuck no." he said, unclipping his helmet and taking it off his head. "I'm good, hell no."
andy shook his head, clearly not believing patrick.
"we can't put you in and have it be broken." matt nagy, the quarterback coach, added.
"it's not, it's high ankle. I've played with it before." patrick protested, going up on his tiptoes to try and show he was okay.
"just get the-" matt tried to talk.
"can I do it at half time?" patrick interrupted him.
"no, y-"
"why can't I do it at half time?"
"you have to get the x-Ray or im taking you out for the rest of the game." andy said, his voice stern. patrick knew he had no choice but to get the x-Ray done.
"fuck!" He cursed, turning away from Andy and matt and throwing his coat on the floor before running down to the x-Ray room, cursing under his breath as he went.
chad stepped in for him, scoring a ninety-eight yard touchdown drive.
by the time patrick came back out, it had reached half time and he was able to get a tighter wrap on his ankle.
he was the first player to come out of the locker room and he bounded up the steps and ran onto the field, trying his hardest to ignore the pain radiating up his leg with every step he took.
up in the suite, kylie was watching him intently, chewing on her thumbnail as he walked out to the center of the field.
the crowd was chanting 'mvp' as he walked out and he waved his hands up and down, shushing them.
the game went okay from that point, defense was playing exceptionally good and the jaguars hadn't scored any more points since the second quarter, but patrick was still in pain and wasn't playing his best. thankfully, all of the other guys were stepping up their game to protect him and make the game easier for him.
nearing the end of the fourth quarter, the guys got into their formation and the ball was snapped to patrick. he jumped to throw it over someones head, coming down and landing on his bad leg, it gave way beneath him as he landed, resulting in him falling to the floor and, once again, staying down for longer than he should have.
the throw had resulted in a touchdown, but, whilst everybody else in the suite celebrated, kylie stayed quiet, her eyes glued on patrick, who was now being helped back up onto his feet by travis.
kylie let out a sigh of relief when he stood up and was able to walk off to the sideline, limping the whole way.
"is he getting out?" randi asked, noticing patrick sitting down on the bench.
"I think he needs to." kylie replied.
"hes not gonna get out, it ain't in his dna." pat said from behind them. despite everyone's worries about his son, he seemed quite calm and positive he was going to be okay to play the rest of the game.
kylie could barely take her eyes away from him the whole time he was on the sideline, only casting small glances onto the field the whole time defence was playing.
in the time the jaguars had their offence playing they had managed to only score one field goal, bumping them up from seventeen points to twenty.
there was only a few seconds left of the game and everyone was on the edge of their seats, if the jaguars scored a touchdown they would tie with the chiefs and go into overtime, which no one wanted for this game, given patricks injury.
kylie held her breath as Trevor Lawrence threw the ball across the field and someone caught it. the player turned around and was immediately tackled by one of the chiefs players, causing him to drop the ball.
cheers erupted from all over the stadium and red and yellow fireworks shot up in the air, celebrating the win and the progression of the chiefs, who were now going to play in the afc championship game the next week.
After the game, kylie waited outside the locker room like she normally did.
when patrick came out, she could tell he was in a lot of pain, despite him insisting his ankle wasn't bothering him that much.
he did his usual hug and kiss, only this time, holding kylie closer and making the kiss a bit deeper than it should be, given they were in a public space.
"What's wrong?" patrick asked, noticing kylie was being unusually quiet as they walked to his car.
"nothing, im just worried about you." she gave him a reassuring smile and reached for the keys patrick held in his left hand.
he pulled his hand away so she couldn't reach them.
"I can still drive." he assured her.
"how? its all ankle movement." she folded her arms, stopping by the drivers side door.
"I'll be fine, ky." he insisted.
"only if your sure."

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