Four Mysteries On Holiday - Poem

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Four Mysteries On Holiday - Poem.
In a cosmic voyage.
In a cosmic voyage, strange and grand,
The Loch Ness Monster, a dragon, Yetti, and Big Foot band,
To a faraway galaxy, they boldly soar,
With tales to tell, and mysteries galore.

Through nebulae and stars they roam,
In the vast expanse, they find their home,
Amongst curious aliens, they stand tall,
Sharing stories, both big and small.

The Loch Ness Monster, a legend of old,
From Scottish waters, its secrets unfold,
With a flick of its tail, and a mighty roar,
It captures imaginations, forevermore.

The dragon, with scales of fiery hue,
A creature of myth, yet fiercely true,
With wings outspread, it soars on high,
In tales of courage, it's bound to fly.

The Yetti, in icy realms it dwells,
A silent guardian, where snowflakes swell,
With footsteps soft on mountain peak,
Its presence elusive, yet some still seek.

And Big Foot, in forests deep and dense,
A figure shrouded in mystery, intense,
With strides as vast as ancient trees,
It roams in shadows, as silent as the breeze.

To the aliens, they recount with glee,
The tales of humans, a species wild and free,
Of sightings rare and legends spun,
In jest, they hide, from each and every one.

As laughter echoes through the cosmic air,
They revel in the joy of stories shared,
For in this galaxy, where dreams take flight,
The extraordinary finds its light.
What books do these mysteries read on their holidays?

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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