Chapter 1: A World in Turmoil

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Chapter 1: A World in Turmoil

Akaash sat still in his bed, his heart was pounding and pounding, sweat was trickling down his forehead as he tried to shake off the vicious nightmares that were plaguing him in his sleep. It was the same dream repeatedly, the same vision of chaos and destructions that has been haunting him for weeks now, with no idea of the significance that this dream holds in his life.

Beside him, his younger sibling stirred in his sleep, but Akaash knew better that he can't wake him up, because he didn't want him to know about his dream and cause him fear. He didn't want to disturb him with his nightmares. He glanced at the clock beside his bed, on the bedside table, showcasing 4:30 a.m. The darkness outside his window matched the darkness that he was facing day and night. He needed to talk to someone, who can help him analyse the visions that he was facing on a daily basis.

Akaash couldn't help it, so he grabbed his phone from the nightstand, and sent a quick text to his best friend Aditya, who have known each other since high school, and he knew that Aditya would understand what he wants to communicate, even if he couldn't explain it in a way that was easy to understand.

"Bro are you awake," Akaash typed, with his fingers shaking slightly.

Moments passed and Aditya finally responded.

"Yeah bro, what's up?" His response came flying.

"Can you come over man, I need to talk to you about something important."

Akaash didn't have to wait too long for Aditya's answer.

"Sure, I'll be there in about 10-15 minutes." replied Aditya.

With a huge sigh of relief, Akaash laid back, waiting for his friend to arrive, maybe together, they can make sense of the chaos that was threatening to consume their world, even though wasn't happening in real time, and just in his dreams, still held a huge significance.

About 10-15 minutes later, soft knocks started happening, Akaash ran downstairs and opened the front door of his house, and quietly let Aditya inside his house, and together they tip-toed into the garage. All while Akaash had huge concern looks on his face.

"What's wrong Akaash" Aditya asks, while taking a seat beside his friend.

Akaash took a deep breath and started steering his brain to recount the nightmares and dreams that have been taking over his peace.

I keep having these dreams, Adi," he began, his voice trembling slightly. "They're... they're about the end of the world."

As Akaash spoke, Aditya listened in silence, his expression growing more grave with each passing moment.

"I don't know what to do, Aditya," Akaash continued. "I feel like I'm going crazy."

Aditya reached out, placing a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder.

"You're not crazy, Akaash," he said firmly. "We'll figure this out together, I promise."

And as the first light of dawn broke through the darkness outside, Akaash knew that with Aditya by his side, maybe there was hope after all.

Together, they would face whatever darkness lay ahead. 

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