lunch box boos

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Clovers Pov

"Girl will you hurry the fuck up the line is getting longer than Vegeta's widows peak!" Juliah screamed out to me as I tried to speed walk while looking for my school I.D. "chill out, you act like they are serving fillet mignon in that bitch! Like this ain't a motherfucking private school!" I called back while searching through my bag for my I.D. so I wouldn't have to get lunch last again. "You always lose it and I have to wait for you to get there like always until you can come in I'm starving" jaliah whined out as I was finally able to find my school I.D. after losing it for the 8th time that day. "C'mon since you act like you are starvin  god damn it." I rolled my eyes and showed my ID to the teacher guarding the cafeteria doors as if her salary depended on it as she nodded and let us walk through the doors. "So we are sitting at our regular table or doing something new" juliah said as she walked next to me in line holding onto my arm. "I don't know why you don't pick this time I'm tired and don't feel like choosing today. I worked until 1AM this morning and just wanted to eat so I could get some energy flowing through my body" I yawned while grabbing a plate with a spicy chicken sandwich on it along with a few packets of ketchup and mayo with chocolate milk to wash it down. "Don't forget to grab a fruit" the lunch lady said through the muffled mask on her face "yes ma'am" I said and grabbed it just to get her out of my face. Juliah grabbed her plate and started walking to our table we usually sit at only with a few new faces. "Hey sis sit next to me" juliah sister who was a grade lower than us waved at her. "Who are all these people you got at our damn table?" I said while looking around at the three new girls and the new guy at our table. "Oh those are my friends! Well... One is my girlfriend, this is dawn...uhm this Alyssa and Monique but I don't know him.." she said pointing at everyone one by one and stopping at the guy. "Oh he's my guest he doesn't usually have anyone to eat with so I said he can sit here with us!" said Regina causing me to look at her with a wtf look on my face "he's really sweet don't worry I've known him for years!" Regina said while wrapping an arm around the guy who was currently sitting quietly with a face masked wrapped around his face.
"Whatever just let these be the only people to sit here bro" I said then started squirting my condiments on my patty. They all nodded and started to slowly begin eating their lunches. I took a few bites of my sandwich then turned to ask Regina "so are you going to introduce us to your friend or do we have to figure out ourselves?" Oh my back this is Zachariah but I call him Zach for short." The guy who was currently looking at his phone jumped I guessed out of  surprise that he heard his name "huh?" he said with his cheeks stuffed full of food. "Swallow first baby" I said while handing him a tissue. "You are going to choke." "Thank you.." he mumbled softly while wiping the mayonnaise off his face "so tell us about yourself did you come from a different school I don't feel like I've seen you before.." "oh I've been here for a while I just usually stand outside with a few of my other friends I don't usually come inside to eat I do get free lunches but I just haven't really thought of sitting and eating" he said about to take another bite of his Burger "I've seen you in the holy multiple times walking to third period." I sat there playing the map to my third period in my head thinking about if I ever saw this kid.  Normally I put my headphones in with my hoodie on my head and walk to class by myself without really talking to anyone so in all honesty it didn't really come to as a shocker to me that I didn't know who this kid was. "Sorry I don't remember seeing you do we pass each other?" I said wiping my mouth clean if anyone left over ketchup then taking a sip of my milk. "Not really you usually end up walking the opposite way every once in a while you'll take the way that I go but you always seem to be in a rush" he said taking a sip of his milk also and blushing. "Sorry about that I'll make sure to speak to you next time sweetie" "okay I'll be looking for it then well I have to start going so I can get ready and go to work on time" he said while packing up his food that he had finished and grabbing his book bag "you have early dismissal?" I asked finishing up my milk "yeah I made some extra credit with my glasses last year so this year I get early dismissal a lot of the seniors already have it anyways I'll see you guys tomorrow this was fun" he stood up getting ready to leave only to be hugged by Monique. "Oh um thanks.. I guess?" he said as he proceeded to walk to the center of the cafeteria and throw away his plate then leaves out the side doors. "He was cuteeee" Monique said while wiggling her eyebrows at us causing us to look at her oddly. "What, do you like him or something?" Regina said clearly jealous while beginning to throw away her own plate "yeah he's cute" Monique said while getting up to throw away her own plate and then leaving.
"As if he would date her..." I thought in the back of my mind while walking towards the trash "he is way out of her League that's an embarrassment for her to even try" I hear juliah say while she walks behind me "girl you telling me as if I didn't know that when I done  already spot the shit" I say while laughing and walking out the cafeteria until just start heading to sixth period.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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