Episode 1: Moving In

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Charlotte was in Wayne Manor hanging out with Damian. She had gotten word of a new addition to the family and wanted to come check it out. Damian had sent her a file with everything she needed to see in it. She read through it carefully and decided she'd try and be nice to him.

"I can't believe this is really happening." Duke Thomas smiles while holding his box. He's currently standing in front of Wayne Manor.

"He looks nice." Charlotte says to Damian as she grins. Damian just looks at her and crosses his arms.
"You think everyone is nice." He says as she rolls his eyes.
"I'm a very trusting person." She argues to help her defense.
"And that's exactly why you keep getting cheated on." He mutters under his breath but Charlotte catches it and looks at him appalled and shocked.
"Damian! How could you?!" She cries dramatically as she sinks to her knees.
"Welcome to your new home, Duke! Ignore them. Especially her. She's always been a bit dramatic." Bruce Wayne smiles at Duke who is looking over at Charlotte feeling very concerned for the girl.

"I hope you'll be happy here." Bruce welcomes Duke inside where he's greeted by the butler Alfred.

"Master Bruce and I will oversee the movers." Alfred says. "Why don't you let Master Damian and Miss Charlotte give you a tour? They're very excited about your arrival." Alfred smirks at Duke.
"Alfreddd! Me and Damian don't get excited. We're basically adults. We use the term exhilarate." Charlotte says as she crosses her arms.
"Please do not associate me and her in the same sentence. Me and her are not friends." Damian says in his normal voice.
Charlotte chuckles as she shakes her head.

Damian and Charlotte were leaning on the stair case, Charlotte had an amused look on her face while Damien was looking at Duke menacingly (but it was his usual look).

"That's okay. Maybe I can help you guys instead?" Duke suggests as he looks scared by Damian's face.  

"Im getting the feeling he doesn't like us." Charlotte says as she grins. "Tut. He clearly doesn't want us to show him around." Damian says to the girl as she nods.

"Even though he should. We're amazing." Charlotte chuckles as she nods.

"Nonsense. We have everything covered here." Alfred says before pushing Duke into the house. "Off you go." Damian glares (his normal look) at Duke while Charlotte wonders why he doesn't want them to show him around. 
"Wow. It's one thing to visit. It's another to realize I'll be living here." Duke gawks while Charlotte smiles.

"I know right. I'm Charlotte. It's nice to meet you. I'm a Tamaranean." She introduces herself as she walks beside them. She had pink hair that looked like it had been dyed by a child (Jason takes offense). Her dark brown skin shining in the manors light as she had on a cropped hoodie with a black tank top underneath as she never felt comfortable wearing cropped clothes with one. She had on blue jean shorts and pink converses as she walks beside Damien and Duke.

"It's nice to meet you." Duke says as he smiles at the tamaranean. "I've never met an alien before."

Charlotte dramatically clutches her chest at the word. "He said the A word!" She cries as she lets her body weight onto Damian. Duke looks worried again as he hopes he didn't offend her or trigger any PTSD from the word.

"Save the theatrics for whenever Todd gets here." Damian sighs as he shakes his head at his sisters antics. "Shes always like this. She doesn't like being called an alien." He says as he rolls his eyes and clicks his tongue against his teeth.

"I am not dramatic! It's fine Duke. You didn't know." She smiles after she glares at Damian and sticks her tongue out at him.

As they continue walking they come across the family tree. "The family. Minus Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown, Luke Fox, Charlotte Knox, and Kate Kane. Father has been meaning to get the portrait updated." Damian says as he closes his eyes and lists all the names of family members that weren't on the tree.

"The portrait will really shine with me and you up there Duke!" Charlotte laughs as she swings an arm around the boys shoulder. She was already starting to care for him like a sibling and was welcoming him into her life.

"Do they all live here?" Duke asks as he looks at Damian. He smiles at Charlotte and crouches down some so she can lean against him more comfortably.

"Father, Charlotte, Pennyworth and I are the only permanent residents. The others are in and out. Charlotte too sometimes. She goes to stay with the others as she pleases." Damian explains as he looks at Duke.

They continue walking with Charlotte attached to Duke as they enter the boys room. "Does this room suit you?" Damian asks as he shows Duke the room. Charlotte sits on the bed smiling as she hopes Duke feels welcome. "I painted you something to give you a warm welcome." She says as she motions towards the painting hanging above his bed.

He smiles and nods. "Thanks Charlotte. Uh yeah. This is great." He says as he looks excited. Charlotte was too when she was accepted into the family.

"Father sometimes hosts parties here to maintain his identity. There's so much small talk, it's terrible." Damian says as they walk through the hall where they hold parties.

"It's not all that boring. I find them quite enjoyable." Charlotte says as she smiles. "Yeah cause you and Todd stand in a corner and make out." He says as he looks at her. Charlotte glares at him. "We do not make out! We discuss life!" "Yeah with your lips!" They start arguing angrily. Duke just chuckles awkwardly and pulls them apart snd towards where he hopes the next room is.

"This is Pennyworth's domain. He'll decide if you have cooking privileges. Father and Charlotte have a life time ban." Damian whispers to Duke as Charlotte rolls her eyes. "You slip paint into the food one time!" She groans as she runs a hand through her pink curls. Duke's eyes widen as he looks a bit disgusted.

They venture through the house and once they're done they head into the Bat-Cave. "Hey I've been meaning to ask- - what's with the dinosaur?" Duke asks as they pear over the glass rail at the dinosaur that Charlotte was convinced was alive. Of course no one believed her. "It eats intruders." Damian says as he has a monotone (his usual look) on his face. Charlotte cracks a smile at how unserious the words sound coming from him. "Whoa cool." Duke says as he looks amazed yet kind of skeptical because of Charlotte'd laugh.

They explored the entire Bat-Cave and were now outside. "I'd be careful moving about the grounds." Damian warns as Duke turns to him. "Why?" He asks as Charlotte smiles. She had been caught by quite a few booby traps. She still doesn't know where all the traps are. "Booby traps." Damian says as he smirks like the little menace he is. "There you are. Damian, Charlotte could you help Alfred for a minute?" Bruce asks as he comes outside. Charlotte knew that he wanted some time with Duke. She nods and smiles. "Welcome to the manner I suppose." Damian says as his smirk disappears. He grabs Charlotte's hand and starts leading her inside. Charlotte hugs Duke and Bruce a she drags her. "Welcome home Duke. Love you Bruce." She says before Damian drags her inside. She chuckles as she walks with him. "So what do you think about our new brother?" She asks the boy who just looks at her. "He'll fit in just fine." Damian says before entering the kitchen. Charlotte smiles before looking out the window at the setting sun. "I hope you're doing good wherever you are sister." She whispers as she holds her green locket close to her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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