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"I need to speak with the queen now" a maid said to Ser Criston as he guarded the Queens chambers

"the queen has been asked to not be disturbed" Ser Criston told her "it is about Princess Lenora Ser Criston please" she tried again

"wait here" he told her making her nod and step back as he knocked on the door asking to come in

"Ser Criston what is it" Alicent asked looking at her guard who stood in her room "there is a maid asking for you something about Princess Lenora" he told her making her stand up

"let her in now" Alicent demanded and he listened letting in the maid who gave a curtsy and greeted her queen

"what did you need to tell me" Alicent asked leaning the maid who looked nervous

"Princess Lenora was seen storming out of Princess Rhaenyra's chambers with a red handprint on her cheek I um I believe the princess hit her daughter" the maid told Alicent who was ready to kill the bitch

"thank you, um you may leave now I will check on Lenora thank you again" Alicent said stumbling over her words slightly as she stood frozen

"Your Grace" Ser Criston said snapping her out of her frozen state "i need to go see her" was all she said before rushing out of her chambers and to Lenora's knocking on the door

"Lenora sweetheart please open the door it is Alicent" she said waiting for an answer "I am not feeling the best my queen perhaps we can speak later" Lenora called out making Alicent open the door knowing she was lying

"Lenora" Alicent whispered walking closer to the girl who was practically shaking like a leaf

"look at me sweetheart please" she pleaded and Alicent couldn't help but gasp when she saw the young girls cheek which was split open most likely by a ring Rhaenyra wore and a bruise forming

"oh sweetheart did your mother do that" She asked making Lenora nod as her lip quivered "she slapped me for pouring water on Jace and insulting him after they pranked Aemond" Lenora explained and Alicent just hugged her tightly as she began crying

"why doesn't she love me like she loved my brothers" the young Velaryon asked through her sobs breaking the queens heart even more

"I am not sure why sweetheart but what I do know is that Rhaenyra is horribly wrong to treat you the way she has you are a kind and gentle soul a proper princess a wonderful girl all together and it is her loss to not have you by her side" Alicent told the girl as she gently cupped the cheek that wasn't split and bruising

"thank you mama I wish you were my real mother" she whispered making Alicent smile "well if it means anything I love you like I am"

"it mean everything to me"

"are you tired" Alicent asked noticing the girl looking exhausted as she nodded

"lets get you in bed for nap sweetheart let you sleep the stress away and I will have the maester make a past for that cut and bruise" Alicent said guiding the girl into her bed pulling the covers above her as she sighed

"mh thank you" Lenora mumbled already drifting off to sleep trying to ignore the throbbing pain she was in

"I will always be here and protect you my dear" Alicent whispered before kissing her forehead and leaving the room

"get Ser Erryk to guard her door Rhaenyra or her sons are not aloud in there on Queen orders" Alicent commanded Ser Criston who nodded and rushed to find the Erryk twin


"My Love is everything alright" Viserys asked as a distressed Alicent barged into his chambers

"I have had enough Viserys Jacereys and Lucereys have played a cruel prank on Aemond earlier today in the dragon pit they gave him a pig with wings and tail they made for it telling him they found him a dragon he went further into the caves and ran into Dreamfyre and was nearly burnt to a crisp" she ranted

"is he alright and they really thought they found a wild dragon" Viserys questioned making Alicent stop her pacing

"he is fine shaken up but fine and yes Viserys our son who is still a child and desperate to have a dragon believed his family" she yelled practically

"and that is not all Lenora yelled at Jace and poured water on him so Rhaenyra called for her and hit her Viserys your daughter hit our granddaughter she split the poor girls cheek bruising her fair skin"

"she hit Lenora" Viserys repeated rising from his seat as she nodded

"she ahs been to cruel to her own daughter Viserys I have brought this up and you asked me not to and I have because I respect you but he sons are bastards off springs of her guard the city watch commander Lenora is Rhaenyra and Laenor's true born daughter they consummated their marriage and then ten months later she is welcomed into the world to late to be Daemons daughter"

"Alicent" Viserys sighed making her scoff

"don't Alicent me she has hated that sweet girl since the moment she was born I could understand having a hard time adjusting to being a parent having the blues but it has been ten years Viserys ten years of her being rude and cruel and abusing that poor girl with her words and now she is abusing her with her hands something must be done"

"I know I will do something Alicent I promise I was going to go watch the boys train do you wish to come" he asked making her sigh

"why not it will be nice to see how well our sons training is going Ser Criston said they were doing well" she commented as they walked out of the chambers to the court yard

"well Ser Criston is one of the best swordsmen we have seen in a while I would expect our sons to be good with his training and guidance"

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