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"To me, you're the winner."


ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।


The races in Miami came faster than Freya had hoped. The week Max spent with them at home was absolutely great. Freya's father constantly asked Max about something, and he always answered with a smile on his face. Maxplaining was in full swing during the week, but the brunette didn't seem bothered by it - in fact, he seemed to enjoy it, being constantly asked about Formula. He enjoyed talking about Formula with someone who also understood it.

Nils and Hugo bragged about Max so much at school that one day he decided to accompany them to school - it ended up being a kind of mini fan meeting, and if Freya hadn't been there filming it on her phone, Red Bull would probably have been angry. So, Max promised them at least some videos, which they could release either on Instagram or YouTube. Fortunately, Ystad was a small school, and most people only knew Max's name, but they didn't follow Formula, so more than three-quarters of the school didn't even know why so many people disliked Max.

They also went to Stockholm together to see the bigger city. Both were disguised so that no one would recognize them, so it wasn't as fun as if they could walk around freely, but even so, they had a lot of fun.

During that week, Freya became even more convinced of what she had thought already in the first hour she met him two weeks ago on the street. Her mother was exaggerating, and she definitely wasn't right. No one who insulted Max was right. He was one of the funniest and kindest people Freya had ever met.

And he was also cute. He was constantly trying to help Freya because in the time they knew each other, he realized that the girl was quite clumsy. The blonde found him very cute, especially when he kept offering to help with washing the dishes. He always looked so focused on it - except at the airport, when they said goodbye, Freya learned that he was timing himself and trying to be as fast as possible. He was just like an overgrown child.

Fortunately, no one recognized them at the airport either, but they recognized the fans. They stood by the large windows and watched Max's private plane, which was parked so that everyone could see it. A black plane with an orange lion on the tail and an orange stripe across both sides - exactly Max's style. Everyone who followed the Formula 1 news knew that Max was in Sweden.

The brunette didn't try to disguise in which country he was. He only disguised in which city - and as Freya learned, he was always in some small town, where he had a better chance that no one knew him.

That's why those fans were there. They were waiting to catch a glimpse of Max. They wanted to see him, record him, and post the video on social media so that they would be the ones with the viral video of Max appearing outside official events or races. But they won't succeed, because Max already has his ways to get into the plane unnoticed. He always dresses up as a pilot, so the fans always ignore him. Freya found it funny, but she wouldn't be surprised. She herself doesn't know how she will do it when she has to fly somewhere by plane - she doesn't have a private plane. She will have to fly normal, where people will recognize her.

IN MY HEART // F1 MAX VERSTAPPEN [BOOK 1]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें