Make Amends..

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"Amber, I swear on my life this will be the last time I ever confide in you." The words leave Tara's lips in a flustered and hurried mess. She gulps down the tremor in her voice as she attempts to solidify her resolve. Hazel brown eyes, alight with pure mirth, gaze upon her. The smile tugging at the corners of Amber's lips is a deadly sight. "A-and stop looking at me like that!"

"Looking at you like what, Carpenter?" Amber's smooth and silky tone seeps into Tara's mind, effectively sending her into a momentary stupor. The brunette shrugs off her daze, finding that it is really difficult to be taken seriously when she's straddling Amber's lap and trembling.

She feels the arms around her waist slightly tighten their hold on her, pulling her closer. Amber smells of sweet and ornate perfume, yet the scent of lavender also lingers in the air.

"You're looking at me like you pity me!" Tara exclaims, squirming in Amber's secure grasp. The laugh that echoes in her ears makes heat creep up from her neck. "You're not even taking me seriously, are you?"

"What do you mean?" The glint of mischief in the taller girl's eyes is irritating. "I'm taking you very seriously  and I'm listening to you very intently, baby."

One of the hands on Tara's waist slowly travels to the front of her stomach, lightly grazing her fingers against the fabric of her clothes. "I'm just so glad that you finally were able to be honest with me. It's a real improvement in our relationship."

Although her words are sincere, Amber couldn't resist teasing. She is genuinely happy that Tara confessed her troubles, but she still wanted to poke fun at her.

For the past few days, the brunette had been especially standoffish and curt, so it made sense to Amber to get back at her for her rude behavior.

"Our relationship," Tara repeats under her breath. She lets it sink in that one of the most insufferable yet gorgeous woman in Woodsboro took an interest in her. Not that it really mattered, but it was sometimes difficult to wrap her head around. It had also been a challenge trying to keep it hidden from others though especially their friends.

"Yes, I'm unfortunately inexperienced in the nature of relationships, as you already know." Amber circles a finger at the center of Tara's chest. "So you must imagine how confused and concerned I was when suddenly you were suddenly upset with me." The raven haired slowly reaches her hand up and brushes away strands of Tara's hair, tucking the soft strands behind an ear. The action makes the girl's heart flutter traitorously. "You also didn't seem to really like my gifts either, so I was at a loss. For a second, I thought our relationship would end as quickly as it began."

"I told you before that you didn't have to give me anything so..." Tara searches for the word to describe the types of gifts she had received from Amber. A million words come to mind, but she settles on the simplest and most direct one. "Expensive."

Make Me Bleed While My Heart is Still Beating (Tamber Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now