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6 weeks earlier
Kris's POV:
We are in London and the gig is about to end. We are playing Carpe Diem. In just 6 weeks I can see Sofi again, I can hold her again. I'm so excited. Bojan sang the last lyrics and we all joined together and took a bow. We love U.K. gigs they hit different, but they are nothing compared to the Balkans.

I was missing Sofi extra much today, so the guys and I agreed on going to a big club. We all missed home and needed to get my mind off things.

We walked in the club and there was not a lot people yet since it was 10.p.m. I ordered us a 5 shots each and we played some drinking games. After that I went to the bartender and ordered us more shots. We were drinking for two hours straight so by midnight we were visibly wasted. I just kept thinking about Sofi, she was actually supposed to come visit me tonight, but canceled last minute because of the flower shop.

Then it hit me that she is probably planning a surprise, the guys left me, she didn't cancel her plane ticket. She must be here. I ordered my self a few more drinks and then a girl sat down next to me. It was her, it was my Sofi. I immediately kissed her ,,That was quick'' she said. ,,I waited long enough for you to come, didn't I?'' We made out few more times. It was so dark in there I could barely see her face, but I knew that smell, miss Dior, her favorite perfume.

I missed her so much we practically ran to the hotel room. Something didn't feel right, but I probably haven't seen her in so long now every thing feels new.

I woke up, my head was spinning, but I remember the only important thing Sofi was there.
Or so I thought.

Strange girl walked out of the bathroom ,,Morning Kris'' she said. I was shocked I didn't even reply as she got dressed. Everything came back to me clear as a day. That wasn't Sofi she did cancel the flight, boys left me to get us drinks. I made up in my mind that she was there because I missed her so much. But I still cheated again. That's what the girl meant by ,,That was quick'' but why didn't she wonder about my answer. Then I remembered we were looked at each other a few times and I always smiled bc I thought she was a fan. She probably thought that I was waiting for her to come to me. My head was spinning even harder.

She kissed me goodbye and left. I didn't know what to do so I just went to Bojan's room. As I was walking over to knock on his door my vision blurred and everything went black. My last thought was I might lose her forever.

I woke up surrounded by the whole band. Everyone was giving me worried looks. I was so overwhelmed with emotions and hate for myself. I started crying explaining the situation to the guys. They all screamed at me. Everyone was shook and disgusted I could feel it. I'm disgusting.

Present time
Sofia's POV:
We arrived at the hotel Kris still haven't told me anything. Something was bothering him. I already asked him million times what was wrong but he was so angry he always brushed it off.

We heard aggressive knocks on the door. And before we could even answer it Bojan and Nace came in ,,Kris if you don't tell her we will" Nace said while Bojan was looking at me with pure sadness in his eyes. ,,Tell me what?'' I screamed.

,,FINE! First I want you to know that I love you so much and it was a huge mistake'' Kris said I felt my heart shattering into billion pieces. I turned around to see Bojan and Nace leaving. I knew this word I've heard them before. Tears dropped down my face as Kris explained the whole situation.

,,SHE SMELLED LIKE ME? I USE THE MOST COMMON PERFUME FOR A GIRL!'' I screamed at him. We were both crying. He kept apologizing over and over again. I couldn't look at him the same.

,,Sofia please it was a big mistake!'' He screamed as I was gathering my stuff. ,,No,no,no'' I said while dropping on the floor crying. He hugged me and I sobbed into his arms. The arms I loved the most being in. The arms that hugged that girl. I pushed him away

,,Why? Why does it always have to end like this. I can't take it anymore this is the end FOREVER. You were the one person who I could trust.'' I said while sobbing ,,I can't kiss you anymore without thinking that those lips kissed that girl. Those lips told her "I love you" so many times. I truly believed you would never do something like this. I hate you, no I hate to love you. I hate this feeling of betrayal so much and I hate it here right now. Goodbye Kris'' something in me just had to say it one last time ,, I love you.''

I got up and left. The last thing I saw was Kris sobbing while pulling his hair. I didn't care. I didn't fucking care. I did care. I cared deeply but it was over. I packed one suitcase and went to the airport. I got on the first flight to Spain and left. I told Bojan if he can to send me the rest of my stuff and he agreed. I'll never step a foot in Slovenia again.

Before the plain took off I checked my phone

*67 missed calls from Krisko❤️''

I didn't care that he called me but the message he wrote I had to read it.

,,I know you can't forgive me ever. But it was truly a mistake. I love you so deeply and I don't know what to do with out you. You made me the most happy man on this planet and I ruined it.''

It was a small bit of a long paragraph that I couldn't read. Why should I? I put my headphones on and listened to the music as the plane started to fly. We were flying over Slovenia and I was just saying goodbye to it. When the city wasn't visible anymore I broke down in tears. Man next to me noticed and asked me what's wrong. I don't know why I explained the whole situation to him. ,,I think you should forgive him. I mean you love him so much. And it was an honest mistake if you ask me. But do whatever feels right.''

It feels right to leave this behind and that's what I'm doing.

That was an emotional roller coaster for me. But there is an Epilogue so let's see what happens🤷🏻‍♀️

Hate to love you -Kris GustinWhere stories live. Discover now