Chapter 4

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Inside the police station, Victor led Stanley, Lee, Clara, and Lara into a meeting room. They were greeted by the chief of Police, Wilton Barnes. He was sitting at the table, writing something on a piece of paper. He stood up as soon as the four members entered the room.

"Morning, sir," Stanley told his boss.

"Morning Stanley," Wilton greeted. "Take a seat," Stanley, Lee, Clara, and Lara sat down at the table. "Victor, come sit down." Victor was about to leave before he heard his name being called. He sat down at the table.

"I called you in here to discuss a recent murder. This murder happened after the body was found of Chloe Wilkilson." The other officers were shocked. That equates to three murders in the space of 2 days. "Who was murdered?" Clara asks

"A man by the name of Royce Smith. He was 22 and worked as a software engineer from the Netherlands. Lee, I need you to inform the family."

"Yes, boss." Lee stands up from the table and leaves. "Stanley, where's Grant?" Wilton asks

"Well.... he's dead." Stanley replies

"Who killed him?"

"Me." Wilton was stunned. An officer killing another officer. He couldn't have this. "Why did you kill him, Stanley?"

"Because he was holding Lara hostage. He wouldn't let her go, so I got a clear shot and put a bullet in his head." Stanley replied. Wilton didn't say anymore after that

"Sir, where was this murder found?" Clara asks. Wilton slides the piece of paper across the table. "Found near a public park on Warwick Drive."

"We will go there now, boss." Stanley says

"Shall we bring Lara?" Wilton looks at Lara. Lara looks at Wilton. "No need. Just the two of you. Bring Lee when's he done." So Clara and Stanley exit Wilton's office. Then, Lara gets a phone call. She stands up and leaves Wilton's office to take the phone call

"Hello," She says into the phone. The voice replies, and she instantly recognises it. "Hey, dad."

"Hey honey, your cousins are here. We're having a party. Why aren't u here yet?"

"I'm on my way, Dad. See you soon." Lara hangs up the phone and exits the Police Station, heading home.

Lara walks onto her driveway and rings the doorbell on her front door. She stands waiting until someone answers the door. Her dad answered it . He moved aside so Lara could enter the house.

She was greeted by her three American cousins, Summer, Tilly, and Lauren, all fifteen years old. Lara gave them big hugs and then went to her mum. "Mum, where's Mia?"

Her mum pointed to the stairs, and Lara went up them to her sister's door. She noticed it was locked. So she knocked. She did it twice then another three times till Mia finally opened it. "Hey sis, can I come in?"

Mia reluctantly agreed. Lara had never been in her sisters room, so this was the first time she'd been inside. So this was new for her. "What u doing?" Lara asks. Mia shows her. She was working on creating a new video game. Mia was quite good at coding. She even took a coding class when she was seven.

Lara was impressed. She never knew this about her sister. "Can u show me what to do?" Mia agrees. She logs onto her computer and opens the coding website she uses. Lara is impressed by what her sister can do.

While Mia and Lara were looking at the coding website, they heard a scream coming from downstairs. "Wait there," Lara told Mia. Lara ran out of the bedroom and rushed down the stairs. She saw her whole family having a great time. Maybe she was paranoid? Or maybe there was a scream? She might never know

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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