An unexpected accounter

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Italics-thoughts or the voice in Harry's head
Two speech marks "- main character speaking
One speech mark ' - secondary character speaking


"M...mum?!" Harry asked with shock
Entangled within his words
'My dear harry is that you?' core asked with devastation leased within her voice
The boy in question nodded his head tears slowly filling his eyes and dropping softly down his face

Shock seemed to pour into the woman who was standing frozen in place suddenly the young woman flunged herself towards the boy tears visible on her face
'Oh my baby boy how have you've grown' Cora said softly with tears of joy dripping down her face

They stood there hugging for a while until Cora composed herself.

'So harry I'm assuming your here for a wand' asked his mother
"Um yes mum" responded harry
'Okay follow me sweetie' Cora told her son

In the back held a number of things
Wood for the base of the wand and two types of cores liquid and solid cores

Cora placed 10 pieces of wood on the table
Harry dear wave your hand over these wood stop when you feel a wave of warmth go through your hand instructed' Cora

Harry did as he was told and waved his hands over the wood that was humming with the magic that was leased with in them

The wood he chose were extremely powerful and was bathed in dark magic
First hell fire pine it's a rare type of tree the existence of this exact tree is said to be almost extinct as it's proprietary is entirely dark the light wanted to get rid of it as a means to make the dark side weaker and only a few witches and wizards have this as their base as only a selected witch or wizard can ever have this type of wood.
Second blood oak wood suggested by the name it is a dark type of wood the tree it comes from feeds on the blood of those who have died near it.
Last but not least you have the snake devil's wood it is very much like the first wood you chose but this type of wood in all of history has been wielded by one wizard that is your father Voldemort Cora explained

Cora went over what harry had to do to choose the cores for the wand which where pretty much the same

Harry had chosen vampire fang as the name implies it comes from a vampire like the wood that he chose its rare and very few people have it as a Core next he chose snake devil's horn again like it's wooden Counterpart only one person can use the core lastly harry chose dementor's cloak which contains a huge amount of dark magic

For the liquid cores harry chose snake devils venom it's rare and extremely dark same goes for the snake devil's blood lastly harry chose vampire blood again it's rare and dark but very powerful.

Cora looked at her son with shock how could he have this much dark magic she thought Cora shook her head stopping her trail of thought from exalting

Harry come back in an hour or so it's going to be a while for me to make this wand said Cora

Harry had not yet gotten his school uniform (you can see where this is going readers) he went inside the shop almost instantly his eyes fell upon a platnam blond boy with little effort the stranger wiped his head around then the two boys locked eyes everything went quiet

After a while the blonde boy broke the silence
'I'm Malfoy Draco Malfoy' the boy said with a smug tone which was broken by a question
'What's your name' asked Draco
"Harry riddle" Harry replied
Draco held a look of shock on his face
'Your the dark lord's kid' Draco asked
"Um whose that my dad is named Tom riddle" stated harry
The dark lord is Tom riddle Draco explained

At this point harry was shocked he had only known the wizarding world existed 10 hours ago and this news a kid has just told him shocked him even more his dad one of the most powerful dark wizards In the world has ever known since Morgana la fey

He looked to Draco to see his hand out as if he was offering Harry a hand shake to which he took it in that moment they once again locked eyes

harry found himself lost looking into Draco's grey blue eyes it was almost like a sea waves crashing down on each other so aggressively yet it was so peaceful as if it was the calm before the storm.

What Draco could see in Harry's eyes was the image of a blood moon shining down on life in that held a beautiful ice pillar it intrigued Draco he knew the colour red usually means death but the eyes held a hint of mystery sadness but he could tell what was behind those dangerous eyes anger hatred and bloodlust he could tell the one thing harry wanted was revenge.

In both their minds they knew already this meeting was destiny.

"Friends" they both said in unison

Afterwards they both got their measurements and were given their school robes. They exited the building and made their way to the ice cream shop

'Mum. Dad look who I found' Draco said to his parents

One look at harry and they instantly knew who it was

'Harry!' They said at the same time
"Yes that's me but who are you and how do you know me?" Harry asked sounding confused
'We're the Malfoy family we met you when you were born mean you are technically our nephew as my sister bellatrix married rodalfus lestrange' said the woman
'What my wife is trying to say is that we have met you before and I don't believe we have introduced ourselves yet I'm Lucius Malfoy and this wonderful lady is my wife' explained Lucius
'I'm narrsisa Malfoy' said miss Malfoy

After that Harry had to go home before his non-relatives wake up.

Harry opened the door, suddenly he heard a loud thud then the view of someone who looked so angry it cut off their blood circulation as they had a face of purple smothered on their face

'Boy where the fuck were you' screeched Vernon
"simple I was out" Harry said casually
'Don't you get smart with me just go make breakfast' ordered Vernon
"No! I'm not your slave do it yourself or better yet get petunia to do it!" Roared out harry in complete rage
'Just go back to your fucking room' shouted back Vernon
"No I'm leaving this shit hole" shouted harry

Now Magic was swilling out uncontrollably Harry's eyes started to glow a dangerous red colour that screamed murder a certain...blood lust.

'Harry Calm down' spoke a voice
"No I won't I'm so angry I could kill Vernon" Harry spoke angrily
'Just breathe and walk out of the house' explained the voice
"Fine" said Harry heatedly

With that Harry left the house still looking slightly enraged.

He went back to London and went into the leaky cauldron and stayed there until the start of school.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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