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"AAH Max, get off me." I yelled at my dog, licking my face.

Ugh, it was Tuesday, and I did not feel like waking up.

But thanks to my dog, the only thing I want to do right is wash my face.

"Max, how many times do I need to tell you do not lick." I said,"Bad." I tried to recreate the scene of him licking me for him to understand.

"Wouf." Max responded.

But it wasn't max. It was another dog at the bottom of my bed.

Why is there an intruder in my house?

And why is it so happy to be here?

"Sorry!" I heard someone shout from outside my window.

I turned over to see my new neighbour.

"She's mine, but I have no idea how she got to your room." Next window guy informed me.

"Oh, no problem!" I tried to sound cool about it.

Even though I was absolutely not???

"She must have become friends with Max he's a very friendly dog." I said, picking him up even though he's gotten pretty big.

I miss when my baby was .. a baby.

"Yea, but I think you need to hurry. Class starts in 30 minutes." Newbie informed.

"Are you kidding??" I screamed, running to my bathroom.


I was speeding up as much as I could on my bike.

There were only 5 minutes left for my class to start, and this was not looking good for me.

I barely had the time to take care of myself this morning, so I wore the most basic outfit.

But that didn't matter.

I had math class this morning, and Mr. Smith, the same teacher of last year, is gonna be my teacher this year.

And let me tell you one thing about him.

That man is not normal.

I was literally shaking walking through the hallways thinking of what I could tell him to excuse my late arrival.

But I didn't have time anymore because I found my self infront of the classroom door.

I opened it very slightly just to check if the teacher was there

But nope.

No sight of him.

Weird usually he's never late.

He's like the type of teacher that will come to school even if world war three was announced.


Good for me.

I went through the door confidently, happy that I'm not gonna be in trouble.

"Miss Quinn, you are late." My teacher yelled from behind me.

"AAHHH." When I tell you, my heart stopped.

"Don't scream to my face!" Mr. Smith yelled AGAIN.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. I didn't mean to shout. You just spawned from nowhere." I heard some laughs from behind me, but I ignored it. I had to get myself out of this situation. "And I didn't want to be late, you know me. I'm a great student!" I tried to remind him.

"That is no excuse. You know I'm really strict when it comes to time organisation!" Mr. Smith said.

"Yes, Mr. It's not gonna happen again." I admit in defeat.

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