A lost dog?

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Leslie went upstairs to apologize to Isabel. Isabel said sorry for asking to many times and hugged it out. They decided to go play at the playground. Isabel and Leslie walked together. "Just one question, what was mom's full name?" Leslie looked down at Isabel and answered. "Amy Heather Jones. No more questions Bel." said Leslie. Leslie and Isabel arrived at the park. Leslie pushed Isabel on the swings. Leslie and Isabel played basketball. Isabel won! After, i was 1:27 in the afternoon and they have stayed their for hours. Leslie and Isabel decided to go home after a tiring door. Plus, they were exhausted. As they got home Isabel felt a paw on her leg. Isabel looked down and it was a dog. "Les, look!" Leslie looked at the dog and was heart-melted by it. Isabel kneeled down on her knees and found the collar. "What's it's name. Shelby? Brian? Regan? Leslie for a chance?" Isabel laughed and said it's name. "Xavier" Leslie looked. It was a boy. "Leslie, it's a boy can we keep him?"...

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