Chapter 1

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I woke up at night by hearing the doorbell

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I woke up at night by hearing the doorbell. I looked towards the clock. It was 11:50 pm. I was confused about who it would be. Firstly I turned on the lights and then I peeped through the peephole to see who was outside.

But what I saw!! It wasn't a dream right?? I saw a train running through a place where there was waterfall. I was shocked. So, I opened the door. I found out that it was a video that my friends played on the phone and kept it in front of peephole.

The question arising in my mind was why they are here?? But then I let them take a seat in my house. I asked them if something urgent came up . As I can't find Robert and Loras, I asked them where they are. As they never come without them.

We five are such a type of friend circle that we don't go anywhere if one also is not coming. Suddenly someone closed my eyes with their hands and when the hands were removed the lights were off and then everyone screamed 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY STELLA!!'

I was so surprised that I wasn't able to process what's happening around me. But then a wave of happiness passed through me as I realized today is my birthday. Then Luras brought a cake with 19 candles. I blew them and made a wish. Then they turned on the lights. They gave me a beautiful pearl necklace and a blue zircon star crystal bracelet.

I accepted the gifts and thanked them. I removed a Wine bottle from the fridge and some glass glasses from the glass rack. I ordered some food to eat too as we were all hungry. Till the food arrived we enjoyed drinking wine and playing games.

The food arrived and we ate it. While eating, we were talking about random topics. After finishing the food we stayed up the whole night giggling and laughing. In the morning, I had no plans what to do. But my friends had already planned out everything.

They booked a cruise and we enjoyed the whole day there. We did fishing. We also did scuba diving. It was a great fun. Then at night we reached normandy beach. We put our tents. We set up the barbecue and enjoyed the food. Nearly it was 1 o'clock when everyone started feeling drowsy.

Everyone slept in their tents. I was going to sleep too but suddenly every joyful moment I had today came in front of my eyes. I had never thought that I would have a birthday like this ever.

This was the day I lost my parents. I always thought I would never be as happy as I was early. But my friends made it possible. I never thought this friendship would change my whole life. They have always supported me. They made me a cheerful girl from a depressed girl.

I always thought that if I hadn't insisted to buy me a present 'now' they would be alive. They were in the car because of me. I was the one who told my dad to drive the car faster. When my dad saw a car coming from front, he tried to avoid it. He took a sharp turn.
But because I requested him to drive faster our car hit the pole at the side of the road.

I would have seen them dying. But I was feeling dizzy as my head was bleeding. I blacked out. When I opened my eyes, I was in the hospital. I was surrounded by the police. I wasn't able to walk. I wanted to see my parents. I wanted to see if they were alive. I wanted to die when I came to know that they died 'because of me'.

At that time my aunt and uncle took me to their house. I cried. I closed myself in a room. I was in guilt. They helped me to feel good but I wasn't able to feel good by thinking I was the reason for their death. They put me in school. There I found my friends. Arianna was the one who became my first friend. She was my deskmate.

In school, I had a group project. Throught that project I came to know and became friends with Serilda, Loras and Robert. Being their friend and project partner, I never talked much. I also don't know how and when they became so close to me. I started talking with them.

I sometimes think if they weren't my friends how would I be able to be this happy? How sad would my birthday's go? Wouldn't I be always depressed?

I was thinking this when I saw a shadow out of my tent. I came out of my tent and saw Arianna out.

I asked her " Why are you out? Aren't you sleepy?"

She replied " It's 7 o'clock. I have the habit of waking up early, if you remember." She said ' if you remember' in a disappointed tone.I knew her habit but I was deeply engrossed in my thoughts and didn't realize the time.

I said " I remember. It's like I didn't notice the time." She gave me a satisfied but unsatisfied smile.

She asked me " Would you like to join me for a walk? " I wasn't sleepy. Sleep was far away from me. So I nodded.

We started our walk as we knew our friends would surely wake up after 11:00 am. They have a habit to sleep a lot.

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