Jumping The Broom

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One month following the day Sean asked my father for my hand in marriage.I was getting married. It was a beautiful day and we were reviewing all of the plans. My father would walk me to Sean of course, my groomsmen would be mix gendered, it would be Dawn, Aria and Meagan and on Sean's side it would be his bestfriend Marcus, Samuel Meagan's boyfriend, and Derrick his father's son he didn't know about. My suit would be ivory with a black bowtie and black shoes, Sean would wear a black suit with an ivory necktie and ivory shoes. My groomsmen would be wearing lace mint green dresses and Dawn was wearing a mint green suit he designed, Sean's groomsmen would be wearing mint green suits.And We would get married next to the charming waterfall where our relationship truly began. Rose petals everywhere and our honeymoon would be in Paris. But the most heartfelt moment of that day had yet to arrive.The ceremony started And I couldn't help but smile as I seen Sean waiting for me with his Aunt sitting in the front row and Derrick's daughter as our flower girl. I'd arrived at the front of The alter where Sean and I would begin our vows.With Me first.
"Sean I can't think of anyone else I'd want to spend the rest of my life with, you showed me that I was worth more than any amount of money and that you should be thankful for any and everyone in your life and everyday isn't promised which helped me realized that I couldn't spend another day without you being my husband"
And now it was time for Sean's Vows
"Nick for a long time I couldn't understand what love was and how it worked, the moment you took a leap of faith and took a step down to earth and get to know me I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with the person that made me smile and the person who I could wake up everyday to and thank god for sending me the greatest gift I've ever recieved"
I felt the tears coming from my eyes as I thought of how much I truly felt at peace with Sean by my side in front of all my family but I had an even bigger suprise waiting for Sean
"We will now have the rings"
Sean lit up like a light when he seen His Father bring our rings, mine in sapphire and his in ruby.He gave us the rings and we finally said our I dos and drove off to the airport with Meagan, Sam, Aria, Dawn, and we then got onto the plane on our way to Paris for the honeymoon

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