Prince Aoyama of The Kagayaku Kingdom.

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It took Midoriya a few days to get to the big city. He mostly stayed on the outskirts of smaller towns so he wouldn't have to pay for inn rooms or make a big scene. His name and face are still well known after all. When he finally arrived in the Kagayaku kingdom he realized it's been a long time since he's been there. There were more shops than anything else and the Aoyama castle was easy to see from any part of the large city. Midoriya sighed knowing it would be a long trek however he needed to find a place to stay first. He was walking down the street with the crowd when suddenly he was grabbed and pulled into an alleyway. He went for his sword when his mouth was covered and a familiar voice spoke up.

“Oi, it's me Bookworm.” Bakugou said as Dynama trilled quietly from her perch on his shoulder

Midoriya’s tense shoulders relaxed a little but his hand was still on the hilt of his sword as the blonde dropped his hand.
“Why did you do that?” The smaller asked

“Cannae jus’ walk out there an’ grab ye.“ Prince Bakugou rolled his eyes

Midoriya remembered the taller should probably be at home preparing.
“Wait, Kacchan, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be preparing for the ball?” He asked

“Tch- needed a break. ‘Sides, I'm helpin’ ye. Ma kens where I am.” Bakugou said to reassure the other

Midoriya's face softened as he let go of his sheathed sword.
“Well, alright. How long have you been here?”

“A day. Yer slow.” The taller told him

Midoriya rolled his eyes.
“My apologies Prince Bakugou but I do not have a dragon to fly me wherever I please.” He bowed

“Shuddup an' c'mon.” Bakugou huffed grabbing the other by his vest and tugging him out of the alley

They quickly integrated into the crowd and Midoriya followed behind the blonde. He worried Bakugou was too recognizable but everyone looks so unique here that they probably didn't even pay attention to them. Midoriya looked up to Dynama who was turned around on the prince's shoulder to watch him. The smaller noticed how tall Bakugou had gotten over the years. He was nearly a foot taller at this point. Sometimes Midoriya felt so small under his watchful eye. It made his face heat up and he shook his head trying to make the thoughts go away.

They were on a mission so after looking around Midoriya decided to just try a dress shop and look for a place to stay later. Maybe he can room with Bakugou. He'll ask later. It was awkward walking into the place since it was filled with women and little girls. He swallowed hard as Bakugou's warm hand landed on his upper arm. Even though the linen button up Midoriya could feel his warmth and it was comforting. The smaller looked over to see Bakugou already had his eyes on him.

“Calm down otherwise ye'll look suspicious.” The taller warned

“Right, sorry.” Midoriya nodded

He took in a deep breath then walked forward a few steps only to bump into a familiar blonde that was much more vibrant than the blonde behind him. Honestly Midoriya was surprised to see him there but also not at the same time.

“Oh, Bonjour Izuku.” Aoyama asked as he looked at who bumped into him

“What brings you here- ah are you here to see moi?” He gasped dramatically

This was the perfect opportunity to not look weird in a place like this. Aoyama, the Prince of the Kagayaku kingdom often dressed feminine when he wasn't in his more knight like outfit while doing his regular princely duties. In fact today he wasn't wearing that outfit he was actually wearing a floor length dress in a sparkly purple. It definitely wasn't something Midoriya would ever wear but it was definitely Prince Aoyama's style and probably very expensive. Not only because it's purple, but also because each sparkle is from a small jewel.

“Um, I was just passing through, but I could use your help, actually.” Midoriya said trying to play it off

Bakugou raised a brow, but he had a feeling he knew where this was going. He wasn't dumb. Midoriya looking for dresses by himself would look a little strange considering he was never the type, but if he's shopping with the other blonde it'll make it look more like Aoyama is suggesting new styles to him. It's a good cover and that's exactly why he picked Midoriya for this. He's got the brains and the brawn. He's a perfect partner. While the Kagayaku didn't really have many reinforced stereotypes that a man and a woman must follow like other kingdoms it was still a bit odd for a man to just buy a dress by himself.

Aoyama looked at him and smiled just as wide as he curtsied.
“I would love to help! And also bienvenu Prince Bakugou, it's wonderful to see toi again.” He said with all the grace and practice of a true royal prince

“Thank you Prince Aoyama.” Midoriya said respectfully

Bakugou just grunted, giving no respect back to the other Prince as usual. He doesn't blame Aoyama for it but like his own kingdom the Kagayaku kingdom is also old fashioned in some of its other ways. For example they think citizens of the Bakuhatsu kingdom are all barbaric dragon-like people who only fight, drink, steal, and burn. They were considered lesser to many of the other kingdoms even though they all survive in equal trades that the Bakuhatsu kingdom has never failed to fulfill. So maybe not fuck you to Aoyama himself. It wasn't really his fault, but fuck his royal council. And definitely fuck his prissy ass parents who decided to talk down to Mitsuki when they met for a trade treaty years ago.

“What shall we look at first then?” Aoyama asked after raising back up

“I guess dresses.” Midoriya said unsure

“There's skirts, blouses, stays, corsets, bodices, aprons, and even hats!” Aoyama said wrapping an arm around Midoriya’s who blushed

Bakugou frowned harshly as Dynama opened her mouth only for the blonde to cover it.
“Not here.” He told her and she huffed angrily


So, fun fact: In the actual medieval times, purple fabrics were very expensive since the dye was hard to make. The ingredients were difficult to get. So most of the time, only royalty had purple pieces. However, not very many. Obviously, jewelry of any kind was expensive, too. I feel like Aoyama's dress looks like his cape that he wears just more cupcake shaped like they wore during the medieval ages. Thank you so much for reading! Star and follow for more content 😊.

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