Chapter 1: Caffeinated Chaos

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Ashi, perched on a precarious stool, wrestled with a tangled mess of Christmas lights. Beads of sweat trickled down her forehead, threatening to mingle with the strong coffee coursing through her veins. "Almost there," she muttered, stringing the final twinkling bulb into place.

The cafe, "Cupid's Corner," was Ashi's pride and joy. But with the grand opening a mere two days away, festive cheer was quickly turning into frantic despair. The delivery guy had brought the wrong decorations, the barista had quit on a whim, and the new oven was currently emitting suspicious smoke signals.

Suddenly, the cafe door burst open, a whirlwind of sunshine and laughter materializing in the doorway. "Are we open yet? Because this superstar is in desperate need of a caffeine fix!"

Ashi blinked, momentarily forgetting her woes. A mop of blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a smile that could melt glaciers - it could only be Jake Taylor, the hottest pop star in Asia (and secretly Ashi's biggest weakness).

"J-Jake?" she stammered, nearly toppling off the stool.

"The one and only," he winked, sauntering towards the counter. "Though right now, I'd settle for 'Just Another Coffee Please, Mate.'"

Despite the chaos, a warmth bloomed in Ashi's chest. Jake, despite his celebrity status, always treated her like a normal person. They'd met a year ago when he'd stumbled into the cafe, lost after a concert. Ashi, then just a barista, had been charmed by his goofy grin and endless supply of terrible jokes.

Over steaming mugs of latte, Ashi poured out her dream of opening a cafe. Jake, ever the cheerleader, had promised his support. Now, here he was, a beacon of sunshine amidst the pre-opening storm.

**To be continued...**

This is my first story, please support me guyss. Also i always wanted to open my own cafe and I'm going to do that in a few years I hope i can do that. Anyways I hope you enjoy it.🫶💖

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