Chapter 13

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As soon as Porsche and Arm go into the house.. Nampheung then approach Porsche and Arm then say... 'Porsche kha.. You are back... Where have you been na kha?' Porsche hug Nampheung and say.. 'I'm truly sorry na krub Mae..'Nampheung smile and kiss her son cheek and notice Arm... Nampheung then ask again...' Porsche kha... Who is that na kha? Is he your friend na kha? 'Porsche nod and say...' Arm... Come and meet my mother.. Her name is Nampheung.. You can call her as mother too.. 'Arm slowly approaching Nampheung and say...' H.. Hello... 'Nampheung smile and hug Arm then say...' This is first time I see Porsche bring a friend here... Just consider this as your home too na kha..'Arm bow his head and say...' Thank you so much Mother.. 'Porsche then ask...' What did you cook for today Mother? Its smell good.. 'Nampheung then say...' I cook tom yum fried rice... Also with fried eggplant with tom yum...'Porsche then look at Arm and say...' Let's eat... 'Arm then ask...' Is it ok Porsche? 'Porsche nod and reply back..' I will teach you how to use a spoon and fork... 'Porsche then pull out a chair for Arm to sit down.. Nampheung then scoop a rice into the plate and give it to Arm and say...' Eat first na kha... 'Arm then look at Porsche while holding a spoon and fork... Porsche smile at Arm then say..'Let me teach you... Just hold it gently.. Just relax your hands Arm..' Arm slowly turn his head and stare into Porsche's beautiful eyes... Porsche smile softly and ask.. 'What's the matter Arm?'Nampheung smile as well and say..' Arm kha.. 'Arm then realize and answer back..' Yes mae? '

Nampheung then tease Arm and ask..' How long are you going to starring Porsche? 'Arm smile and say...' Im sorry mae... I understand now why Kim can fall in love with you Porsche..'Porsche clear his throat and say...' Let's eat na krub.. 'Porsche, Nampheung along with Arm starts eating together.. After 1 hour later.. Nampheung had to leave the house for working at the office..

Arm then look at Porsche and say...' Phi Thankhun and Hia Lian already dead Porsche.. They already turned into ash...'Porsche sigh heavily and say...' Everything will be fine Arm.. Don't worry na krub.. 'Arm then ask again...' Porsche.. If Kim also die in this war... what are you going to do?'Porsche then reply back..' I must accept it with an open heart Arm...'Arm  then put his head near to Porsche's shoulder and say...' I miss Phi Thankhun...I really miss him... 'Porsche nod slowly and say...' I know Arm.. I understand you... Are you sure you didn't have any power left? 'Arm try to use his power but fail again... Arm shake his head slowly and say...' Im sorry Porsche...There's nothing I can do to use my power... Its already out of limit...'Arm then hug Porsche's waist and look at Porsche again... Porsche smile and say...' Im right here with you Arm...'Arm lean his face towards Porsche and say...' Please don't leave me too Porsche... 'Porsche shake his head slowly and kiss Arm's forehead gently and say...' I won't..'

Meanwhile at the dark realm...

Kim, Yi, Xalvador and Vegas strike Blackheart and Kinn... Both of them then thrown out and hiss in pain... Mephisto appear and strike Kim and Vegas until both of them got thrown out as well... Yi use his power to strike Mephisto while Xalvador use his power to strike Kinn and Blackheart again... Suddenly.. There's a voice speaking from behind.. 'Don't you dare to touch them Mephisto!!' Kim feel shock as he see Thankhun and Lian return and help them.. Lian give his power to Kim and Yi then communicate with them... 'We must hurry! This realm is going to destroy soon!' Vegas and Kim combine their powers to strike Mephisto again and again.. Yi, Thankhun then combine their powers and strike Kinn and Blackheart as well... Thankhun then see Kinn, Blackheart and Mephisto finally dissappear... Kim then say...' They already gone.. We did it guys!' Vegas nod and say.. 'Yes.. We did it...' Xalvador then say.. 'Thankun, Lian..and Vegas.. Im happy to see you guys return... Welcome back..' Kim look at Vegas and ask.. 'How is Porsche?' Thankun then ask.. 'And.. How is Arm?' Vegas use his power to show it to both of them.. Kim and Thankhun then smile as they see their beloved.. Lian then say.. 'We must leave..' Yi then see the ground start shaking... Xalvador then yell.. 'We must go now!!' Thankun, Lian, Yi, Kim, Vegas and Xlavador dissappear and the dark realm also destroy...

Meanwhile at Porsche's house...

Porsche is sitting on his bed while looking at Arm who is day dreaming... Suddenly.. Thankhun appear right in front of Arm and say.. 'Arm..' Arm slowly lift up his head and say.. 'Phi!!' Arm quickly hug Thankhun tightly and say... 'I miss you...' Thankun smile and say.. 'Lian also here Arm..' Lian, Yi, Xalvador, Vegas and Kim appear as well.. Porsche breath out of relief as he see Vegas and Kim also return safely.. Porsche quickly hug Vegas and say... 'Im so worried about you Vegas.. Are you alright?' Porsche touch Vegas's cheek and look at him with a worry expression.. Vegas smile and hug Porsche in return and say... Im fine Porsche.. Anyway.. Someone is here to see you... 'Vegas then step aside to give Kim a space... Kim quickly hug Porsche and say...' Im here sweetheart..'Porsche then say...' Welcome back Kim...'Kim kiss Porsche's forehead and say...' Im glad you are fine... Im worried about you too sweetheart.. 'Xalvador then say..' I guess we should leave now... Kim and Porsche need a privacy.. 'Arm then hug Porsche and say...' Thank you for let me stay here.. 'Porsche nod and smile.. Thankhun hug Porsche gently and say...' I hope you will have a happy life with Kim.. I guess... Kim already made a decision.. 'Vegas then say..' Xalvador.. Thank you for saving my life.. I truly appreciate it.. 'Vegas bow his head and smile a little.. Xalvador nod and say...'Let's go home everyone.. And as for Kim.. Please take a good care of Porsche.. And until we meet again'.. Kim bow and hug his brother and friends.. Thankhun, Xalvador, Lian, Yi and Arm teleport back to Thankhun's realm.. Vegas then say.. 'Porsche.. I will see you at the bakery tomorrow.. Don't be late..' Porsche nod and allow Vegas to leave.. Kim hug Porsche from behind and kiss his cheek gently and say.. 'I really miss you sweetheart...' Porsche then kiss Kim's lips and say.... 'I miss you more..' Kim then say... 'I feel tired.. Maybe I used a lot of power just now..' Porsche then say.. 'I should leave you to rest...I will prepare something for us to eat later..' Kim shake his head slowly and push Porsche towards the bed and say.. 'I need to rest in your arms sweetheart... Then.. I will feel better..' Porsche chuckle and kiss Kim's lips again and again.. Porsche then switch on the aircond and cover them with a blanket and rest together..

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