Chapter 2

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After 10 minutes later...

Kim slowly open his eyes and look around... Kim then speak in his heart.. 'Am I in heaven?' Porsche then noticed Kim is already awake and ask.. 'Sir?' Kim then look at Porsche with a scared expression and about to escape from the bakery but fail as Porsche stop him immediately... Vegas then say... 'Ooh.. You are awake...' Vegas then give Kim a glass of water and say... 'Drink it...' Kim look at them with a confuse expression and ask... 'H... How....' Vegas roll his eyes and say.. 'Hold the glass tight and bring the glass closer to your mouth and drink it!!' Porsche then say... 'If you can't help him then you should help me to handle the customer Vegas...' Porsche then take the glass and give it to Kim and say.. 'Hold it like this..' Kim stare at Porsche's face while Kim's hand is holding the glass... Porsche smile at Kim and ask.. 'What's the matter hmm?' Kim continue to stare at Porsche's face without answering... Porsche then help Kim to drink the water slowly...

Vegas lean near the wall and look at Porsche and Kim with a sharp gaze... Vegas then say... 'Porsche must be crazy...' Vegas shake his head and continue working... Porsche then take the tissue and say.. 'This is a tissue... You must use it to clean your mouth.. Porsche gently clean Kim' s mouth with the tissue and throw it away into the dustbin.. Porsche then ask... 'What's your name sir? Since we never know each other... I..' Kim cut off and say.. 'Kim...' Porsche nod and smile softly then say... 'Kim.. What a nice name you have..Porsche then noticed there's a blood on Kim's arms... Porsche then say..' Oh no.. You are bleeding 'Kim then use his power to heal himself... Porsche feel shock and ask...' H.. How did you do that?...'Kim then point to Porsche's chest... Porsche then ask..' My chest? 'Kim shake his head slowly and point towards Porsche's chest again... Porsche smile and ask..' Ah.. My name? 'Kim nod slowly and look at Porsche again... Porsche then say...' My name is Porsche Kittisawat.. But you can call me as Porsche... Im 20 years old.. And that man just now.. he is my assistant and also my friend.. His name is Vegas Theerapanyakul... 'Kim quickly hide behind Porsche as he see Vegas...

Vegas scoff and say...' This crazy man is really something should send him back.. 'Porsche see Kim is hiding his face and say..' Stop it Vegas.. You really scare him... Look what have you done? 'Porsche then say..' Don't worry Kim.. Vegas isn't going to hurt you.. Its alright... 'Vegas then pull Porsche away from Kim.. Kim then look at Vegas and his eyes change into black all of a sudden.. Kim then stand up and punch Vegas's stomach until Vegas fall on the ground.. Vegas hiss in pain and look at Kim with anger..

Kim then say...' Don't touch him!' Porsche then say.. 'Kim.. Kim.. Its alright.. Its alright... Vegas didn't mean any harm... He is just worried about me.. That's all..' Vegas then stand up and say...'You should be the one who need to stay away from him!'Vegas then start throwing things towards Kim.. Kim use his power to stop the objects from flying towards him and turn the objects towards Vegas.. The objects then hits Vegas's face... Porsche then say...' Kim.. You can't do that alright? Its not good.. '

Kim then say... 'I... I hate him....' Porsche smile and say... 'Vegas is my friend Kim.. Don't worry alright... I will talk to him later... Kim then look around and point towards the doughnut.. Porsche then see Vegas is leaving the bakery and sigh slowly... Porsche then ask.. Do you want a doughnut? Which one?' Kim then point towards the chocolate doughnut and strawberry doughnut.. Porsche then say..' Alright.. Follow me.. 'Porsche then take Kim towards the rack and say..' Kim.. This is a plate... 'Kim then ask...' W..what? 'Porsche smile and say..' This is a plate... You need to use a plate to put the doughnut onto the plate... Porsche then put Kim's hand near the plate and help Kim to pull out the plate.. Porsche then say.. 'Alright.. Now.. I will teach you how to take out the doughnut from display cabinet.. You must use a tongs so that your hands wont get dirty...' Kim look at Porsche with a confuse expression again.. Porsche laugh and say.. 'You are so cute!!' Kim feel shock and look at Porsche again.. Porsche then say... 'Oops... Im truly sorry... Porsche grin at Kim...

Porsche then take out the tongs and help Kim to hold it.. Kim then hold it and look at Porsche.. Porsche then say..' You must clip the doughnut with the tongs.. 'Kim shake his head slowly and look at Porsche.. Porsche then help Kim to take out the doughnuts from the display cabinet and put it onto the plate and say..' That's how you take out the doughnuts from the cabinet.. Let's eat shall we? 'Kim look at Porsche again and again... Porsche then say..' I will teach you how to use a knife and a fork... Porsche then take Kim to sit at the table while Porsche sit beside him.. Porsche then take out the knife and fork and show it to Kim and say.. 'This is a knife and this is the fork..' Kim nod and look at it.. Porsche then say.. 'The way of using these 2 is.. you must pierce the fork onto the doughnut like this.. Porsche gently pierce the fork onto the doughnut and say.. Then use the knife to cut off the doughnut..' Porsche smile and show it to Kim again.. Kim then ask... 'C.. Can I...?'Porsche smile and nod at Kim... Kim then try it by his own and say...' I.. I.. D.. Dit it.... 'Porsche smile and nod... Porsche then feed Kim with a doughnut and ask...' How is it hmm? 'Kim nod as an answer.. Porsche chuckle and say..' Alright.. Its delicious... I made it by my self.. Everything that you see in the cabinet.. I made it by my self Kim.. 'Kim then say...' Kim Kimhan... 'Porsche then ask..' Is your full name Kim Kimhan?'
Kim nod slowly and look at Porsche.. Porsche then take Kim hand and his own hands and shake it then say..' We will do this if we meet with a new friend.. Its really nice to meet you Kim Kimhan...'Kim try to smile at Porsche.. Porsche stroke Kim' s hair and speak in his heart.. 'You are so beautiful Kim Kimhan..' Kim then say... 'Thank you for the compliment...Porsche Kittisawat..' Porsche frown and ask.. 'What are you? I mean... How did you know what Im saying?' Kim then change his eyes into black and look at Porsche... Porsche flinch a bit and say.. 'K.. Kim...' Kim then change his eyes colour back to normal and say.. 'Im an alien Porsche..'

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