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Raizada Dealerships.

Shashi stared at the stranger sitting in front of him.

Akash had called him to his office about something really important which has to do with Khushi and he immediately rushed to the office of Akash only to be introduced to a man Akash claimed knew his old bosses cum friends.

"How do I know you are legitimate and not after my Khushi's wealth?....... I can't trust you if you have no evidence to support your claim about you knowing my baby and my bosses." Shashi questioned staring at Aditya suspiciously.

Aditya smiled and immediately admire Shashi especially hearing him call Khushi his baby.

He knew Shashi even in his delicate state will defend Khushi to death which he knew from the report and this conversation.

He pulled out a pendant and gave it to him.

It was Khushi's pendant which she wore as a child and was given to her by her parents which Shashi recognized as it was gift for Khushi's third birthday were he catered at the party.

Aditya revealed how he knew the Raichands again and how he found out about their death and Khushi's disappearance.

"For years I have tried looking for her until my sister Preeto posted childhood pictures of Khushi and herself. " Aditya said and pushed a file towards Shashi.

He opened it and saw years worth of investigation about Naveen and Shahida but what shocked him the most was a document stating their death was planned.

His head snapped back to Aditya as his eyes shimmered with tears.

"The Raichands didn't die in an accident...... It was planned by Mukesh Jha...... The current CEO of Raichand Group of companies and construction. "

Shashi was shocked hearing Mukesh the PA of Naveen was now in control of everything Khushi owns and was also the one who planned everything.

"How could he do something like this to such good people...... No one who ever associated with them ever went hungry....... Oh my God, my princess will be heartbroken if she finds out....... I knew their death was planned but to find out Mukesh did this is unbelievable...... My poor baby." Shashi cried out devastated.

"Am sorry for the interruption but how did Khushi come to you? " Aditya asked as Akash poured water into a glass for Shashi who drunk it all up and thanked him.

"Shah Malik the lawyer of Naveen called me one night to come to the hospital...... It was there he revealed Naveen and Shahida was dead and he suspected their death was planned and wanted me to keep Khushi safe........ My poor princess was covered in bruises and bandages...... When she woke up, she didn't even remember her parents...... The doctor said she had amnesia and there was a possibility she will never remember them or anyone from her past. " Aditya and Akash were shocked hearing this. " Shah was able to retrieve pictures and videos of her childhood and that's how she remembers her parents. "

"Wait but why does she think Garima is her aunt and did Payal know. ? " Akash asked as Payal never told him about this.

In fact she always avoided any question about Khushi's origin like a plague and even argued that Khushi was her sister no matter where she came from case closed.

"Payal knew Khushi was a Raichand but don't blame her from not telling you because I know from you expression, you didn't know...... She never wanted anyone you know Khushi wasn't related to her....... To her, blood or not, Khushi was her baby sister........ As for the reason Khushi thinks Garima is her aunt, it was a silly story we told people so that they won't point fingers at her especially after I found out ten months after I took Khushi from Delhi to Lucknow, Shah was brutally murdered....... I knew it had to do with the people behind their murders....... I couldn't risk her life so I never told her about her origin and cut contact with Shah's assistant who was the link between Shah and I....... We left Lucknow and settled in Noida for five years........ When Khushi turned thirteen, we moved back to Lucknow. "

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