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𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐄 that y/n was just nervous would be an understatement. the moment he stepped foot into germany, he was bombarded by people. he forgot the fact that he was currently a rising star back in japan, and it seems like countries like germany picked up on the news as well.

lucky as he was when he reminded himself that he brought a pen with him, you know just for emergencies, but it seemed like it was to be used for other matters as well.(and by other matters, he meant autographs. he swears that he isn't cocky with it though)

with an anxious mind the popular individual signed nearly all of it, and still felt bad for those he didn't get to talk to nor give them his autograph. that was more time consuming than he thought. but atleast he was free to explore a bit.

his parents said that his manager was going to accompany him after he'd landed but..he didn't seen said manager anywhere.

y/n was provided with a brief description of what she should've looked like. with deep brown hair, brown eyes, a suit. really the basic criteria.

he didn't care as much though. y/n viewed himself as old enough to take care of himself. plus he was sure that the manager was going to text or call him. for now, y/n was exploring the airport with a curious mind.

he soon found his manager, or his manager found him strolling around the shops. thinking that he was spared from getting scolded, he let out a sigh of relief. how wrong he was.

walking along the pavement and his time with his manager, by chance he stumbled upon a bookstore. he figured that a book on the language would help him get around the country. especially since his german was broken, and he was not at all confident with it.

but glancing a second time, he caught the gaze of another pretty male. all y/n remembers was that the other had dazzling eyes. compare the shade to an amethyst and he wouldn't spot the difference.

y/n entered the bookstore. with only one thought in mind; buy a book and leave. he didn't have the time at the moment to stare to strangers. y/n told his manager to wait for him by the door.

'hopefully i don't end up with a shitty book only enough to teach a first grader...' running his finger among the wooden shelves and the pages of the books. he spotted a book that..seemed dependable enough to help with his german. checking the contents of said book, the words jumbled in his mind but read through it anyways.

"excuse me?" a voice rung through his ears as y/n turned to the sound. oh, it was the guy he was staring at.

thinking that this was an opportunity to practice the pronunciation and the words, y/n responded,

"do you need something?" the h/c male mentally patted himself on the back for not stumbling or his words.

"by chance, have you seen a book called harry potter and the deathly hallows?" the other took into account that the boy infront of him was in fact not from the country and tried to use simpler words to help him better.

"ah. i think it's somewhere near the counter?" ness thought that his pronunciation was a bit off but decent nonetheless. plus he held a conversation with him quite nicely.

"oh, and i recommend getting story books if you are gonna learn or practice your german."

the other just nodded with a small thank you. y/n placed the book back on the shelf, and was on his way to search for a story book. he debated on which to buy a novel more for his age or one for children.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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