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𝐒𝐀𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 his younger brother, Itoshi Rin, were in the playground playing by the swings. they seemed to be at peace with each other at that moment until a h/c stepped a foot in the playground. one would have thought that the maroon-haired male owned the place with his immediate glare at the h/c male. well, it wasn't meant to be a glare.

"ah. It's the guy who stayed after the match."
Sae thought while looking back at his younger brother and the h/c boy. now that he had a closer look, he noticed the shine in the boy's eyes. It made him look pretty..wait. what? nevermind.

the h/c male looked over the playground and, once again, met the eyes of Itoshi Sae. he turned away and walked over to the vendor just beside the playground. He bought whatever ice cream the man gave him and it seemed good enough, he hoped that it would taste as nice as it looked.

he walked to a bench near the playground and plopped down, he began eating his food. bitter. He didn't like bitter foods. It reminded him about the dandelion greens that got in his mouth once while rolling in the grass.

the h/c boy was lost in thought until sae spoke "hey. your ice cream is melting."

"oh." thanks. for some reason his word got stuck in his throat. he didn't know why and was his face getting warmer.? whatever. it must've been nothing.

the h/c boy found himself stealing glances at mr. Itoshi Sae. unfortunately for him, Sae managed to catch onto what he was doing.

"do you need anything." he said in a blunt tone while watching over rin, who was swinging away to his heart's content.

"ah. no." he said while going back to munch on his ice cream. he felt a little awkward being put in a situation like this.


"hey. are you sae? itoshi sae?" he asked even though he knew the answer. "..yes." the maroon-haired player said while still keeping an eye on his younger brother.

"may I ask you something?"

'I just told you if you needed something from me.' sae thought and reluctantly decided to not voice out his opinion.


"can..you help me with my soccer?" his voice was quieting down ask he spoke. to be honest the boy didn't know how to ask.

sae huffed as he stared at him "why would I do that? figure it out yourself." sae's gaze was on the
h/c boy. the male felt vulnerable under the 8-year-old's gaze. but anyways.

the h/c boy was caught off guard but figured to not say anything. In all honesty, sae had a fair point and he didn't have any room to argue.

he nodded,  while walking out of the playground. he could have not survived alone with sae after that.

"but I guess it's good that you're aware." sae said just before he got out of the playground but he left before he could have finished. he felt a bit bitter to sae. he didn't like that.


rin watched the interaction between the two males and and he felt a bit sorry for the h/c male for getting a taste of what his brother's personality was like, but whatever they were all just children in the park anyways.

seasons; blue lock x m.reader (ON HIATUS)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz