Chapter 2

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Dean turns around and looks at his brother who has a very confused look on his face.

"What are you doing here? I thought you moved back to Chicago?" Lorelai asks.

"Ummm.. excuse me?" Sam says

"Does Rory know you're back in town?" Lorelai asks him.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I think you've mistaken me with someone else. Sam tells her. He shoots his brother a concerned look.

"Very funny!" Lorelai laughs. "Wow you look so different! When did you get back? And when did you grow out your hair? It's very Vival Sassoon."

"Dean? What's going on?"Sam asks his brother.

Lorelai looked at dean, clearly confused by what was happening.

"As I was saying Lorelai, My name's Dean and this is my partner Sam. "

"Wait, your name is Dean?" She asks him.

"Yep, and this is Sammy" he replies.

"Sam, actually." He tells her as he gives his brother a look.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry. It's just, I swear you look just like him" she tells Sam.

"His name is also Dean?" Sam asks.

"Yeah and I'm telling you he could be your evil twin." She replies.

"I guess I've got a doppelganger." Sam tries to laugh it off, but he gives Dean a look. This is bad, he thinks to himself.

"I guess so, man Rory is going to freak when she meets you"

"Rory?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, she's my daughter, our Dean is actually her ex boyfriend."

"Oh you have a daughter?" Dean asks. 

"Yeah, you'll probably meet her tonight, she was planning on stopping by the Inn when she gets into town." she said.

Dean turns to Sam and says "Lorelai owns an Inn here in town, we were actually going to head that way to get a room."

"Sounds good." Sam says, he walks to the Impala and opens the passenger side door.

"I'm parked around the corner, it's not too far." Lorelai tells Dean as he walks around the car to the drivers side.

"See you there." He flashes her a smile as he gets in.

"So." Sam says as Dean sits down. "What was all that about?"

"Not sure dude. Think it might have something to do with the case?" Dean asks Sam.

Dean starts the car and begins to follow Lorelai's jeep as it headed down the road towards the Inn. Sam continues to voice his concerns about the recent events.

"I don't know, maybe. I've been getting some weird vibes since we got here. Maybe it's connected."

"It could be. Let's just see what we can find out and go from there. Maybe it has nothing to do with it and you just have one of those faces."

"Maybe you're right, but we should be on guard anyway."

"Of course, aren't we always?" Dean tells him as the head up the drive way and park next to her jeep."Just be cool okay? We'll figure this all out, like we always do."

"Wow look at this place," Sam says as he looks up at the Inn. "Dude, are those Stables? This is a lot nicer than where we're used to staying." 

"Yeah You got that right." Dean says as he looks up at the Inn. It was  two stories and had a giant wrap around porch and giant trees in the front yard. There were shuttle buses driving around the property carting the guests to their destinations and a  water fountain out front surrounded by colorful flowers. There were also flowers flowing up a trellis leading up to the porch. It had a very peaceful setting and looked as if it came straight out of a magazine. 

"Wow, this is impressive." Sam said as they got out of the car.

"Thanks, I've already made arrangements with the front desk so you're all set up. The room is on me, so feel free to stay for as long as you need." she tells them.

"Wow, that's really nice of you, I hope we're not imposing." Dean says.

"It's no problem at all, anything I can do to help. I think I can speak for everyone when I say we want to find out what's going on and stop it before anyone else goes missing."

"We'll do everything we can to make sure that doesn't happen." Sam tells her.

"Thanks, I wish I could show you around but I actually have a meeting soon. I can give you an official tour later tonight. If you get hungry Sooki our chef can make you anything you'd like. Let's meet back here around 7-ish?"

"That sounds great, we'll see you then."Dean says as she heads inside leaving them by the car to come up with a game plan.

"So where do you want to start?" Sam asks.

"I think we should talk to some of the locals and see what they know. She mentioned the owner of the dance studio might know something, let's go get checked in and we can start there."

"That works."Sam tells him as they head inside. 

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