S2 PT4: Cabin Fever

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Camp 98.7

Uzi and her classmates are currently taking a bus to the Camp 98.7.

Nori and Khan met here, and she wants to know more. Mostly about Nori and her connection to the solver. And figure out what could be wrong with HER.

Olga's been living in the MD universe for a few months now. Safeguarding the eNVy ship! Uzi has grew closer to Thad, and V became more tolerant and protective towards N.

Olga has her sniper rifle on her back, she made herself at home near the spire and observed V's and N's daily life for 4 or 5 months. V tolerates N's attempts at getting close, seemingly taking his advice.

"You don't have to face whatever you're concerned about ALONE!"

N likes to spend his time with V. His crush on her has not vanished. Thanks tp the fact that N didn't see her
"Nah, i'm not okay (;<" personality. But sees only the good in her.

Uzi has learnt how to use her Solver, and now needs more answers.

N and V are going to be the camp guide today. It's night. They have prepared in advance, and got themselves camping outfits.

N and V hurriedly dress up at the spire. Olga is hanging at the Spire's ceiling and observing thru her sniper scope. They're changing. Olga whistles to herself. Hehe. Things are getting hot. Aren't they?

"Don't look. Or i swear to JcJenson i'm gonna kill you!" Blushing

"V i swear i'm not looking!" Sheepishly, blushing.

Atleast V is letting him be close to her while changing. That's progress! Olga thinks.

Both dissasembly drones depart to CAMP 98.7.

Olga oils her rifle with some leftover oil from the countless worker drone corpses. Tehee. This night, Uzi is supposed to turn Solver Uzi. And Olga's gotta be prepared for anythiing!

She has some HE ammuntion left. And takes it with her. Before soaring up into the skies and following N and V's direction.


The Absolute Solver IS aware of Olga's presence. It has its own ways. The Solver perfectly understands that it'll be hard to fight a foe that knows the future. (Olga already rewatched season 1 multiple times)

Perhaps, it could bargain with Olga? The A.S. thinks. Olga's only real goal here is to secure eNVy. It is aware that Olga of course, does want the Solver dead. But maybe. Just maybe.

We'll see.

Note: continue suggesting stuff to Olga. We gotta strengthen N's and V's connection. And perhaps, Thad's and Uzi's too.

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