Part 2: The Fight

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Cato's POV
I walk to the training center ready to beat up someone else. She really thinks she can beat me, Cato Hadley.

"Make sure to beat her up," says my friend. He was going to watch, but he had to makeup some test he missed. I nod to him as walk into the trading center. I walk over to the sword section and pick out the longest one and start attacking the dummies. With my perfect form, I neatly slice off the head of one. I check the time and see that it's 3:13. Ha! She probably was too scared of me and ran to her house.

   I'm not sure what she's good at, or if she's good at anything. She usually trains early in the morning, or later at night. I've only see her shoot a bow and arrow, which she was average at. I was about to get up and leave to tell my friends she was too sacred to show up, but right as I thought that she walked in the training center.

   "Going somewhere?" She asks.

   "No, just thought you were a scaredy cat and weren't gonna show up," I say truthfully

   "Well I'm clearly not a scaredy cat am I?"

   "I guess not," I say with a smirk on my face.

   "Well, why sit around smiling, and let's get to the fighting."

   "You're in such a rush to get beaten up sweetie," I say flirtatiously.

   She shows hatred on her face then starts attacking me. She tries to punch my face, but I duck and punch her in the stomach. I throw a sloppy punch at her, but she quickly gets out of the way and slaps my face pretty hard. I growl and try to punch her the hardest as possible, but again she darts to the side and as I punch the air with so much force, I fall over.

   "Not so strong are we?" says Clove with a smirk growing on her face. I recover and I'm so mad at her i grab a sword and pin her to a wall. "Give up now hon," I say chuckling. I don't hold the sword hard, cause a small girl like her would be too scared and surrender at this point. But instead, she releases the sword from my grip, and before I realize, I'm pinned to the wall.

   She pins me to the floor, her feet on my wrists, and stares at me menacingly with a knife in her hands.

Clove's POV
I want to kill Cato. The only reason is because his sister killed my brother in The Hungr Games. Of course, when his sister won he was happy, as anyone would be, but Cato always jokes about how my brother was murdered. He always called my brother a "pathetic loser" and so much more.

My favorite knife in my hands I stand over Cato and give him a cut he won't forget. Of course, I won't kill him, as I would be punished, but we're allowed to give other people a few injuries, not a death-or-life situation though. "I surrender." He coughs out.

   I smile wickedly as I let him go. People are watching, some try to congratulate me, but I brush them off. I walk home and I can't wait to tell my parents what just happened. I've rarely had experience fighting other people, I mostly just practice with weapons by myself.

   I knock on the door and my mom opens it. She looks pretty sad so I ask her, "You Ok?" "It's your father," she says, and I can tell she swallowed back a sob. "Mom, what happened." I say sternly. "Go upstairs," she says.

   I'm very confused as I walk up the stairs, as I'm walking up, I see something in one of the hallways that makes my heart stop for a moment.

                                      The fighting part may be bad, I don't have
                                    an experience in fighting, so I'm not sure
                                     if it's that good. Ty for reading though <3

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