Ellie HCs Angst

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TW: Cyber bullying, mentioned suicide, verbal abuse and bullying

- Ellie would get upset about how everyone was picking on her because of her older siblings being either more famous or more successful than her

- Ellie HATES her two jobs so much and she wishes that she can quit them, but she can't because she need to make money for not only for the rent but also her dream school (which is fashion school) so the only way to make money is to work that those to jobs

- Ellie got cyber bullied at her high school once and she cried herself to sleep almost every single night because of that

- Ellie wanted to prove everyone that she can be just as successful as her step sister and her older twin siblings

- Ellie often gets stressed out a lot from her boss who owns the bar and he pressures and verbally abused her

- She gets sick of everyone bullying her and doubting her, she was so sick of it to the point she just wanna kill herself

- Ellie was once very VERY pessimistic about the world before she turned 20 on her 20th birthday thanks to her dad and step mom

- Ellie kept a orange cat plushie that she got from her biological mom before she died, she mourned for her bio mom very much and she would often visited her grave

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