Clint's Kids Part 4

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Donatello Hollingsworth

- He is 18 years old

- He is the younger child of the family

- He is artistic, quiet, shy reserved and creative

- He is bisexual

- He is a college student

- He is an artist

- While he may be the quiet one of the family, but he has the loudest and most active mind. Colorful images fill his mind daily, and he has to let it out by way of creating some piece of art. Drawing, painting, sculpting, carving, or even textile work, he is an artist through and through. He's the one trusted with the camera when the family's on an adventure, and he's a decorating maniac when a holiday is on the horizon

- Thanks to not fully living up to his last name (The Hollingsworth that is), he attracts plenty of bullies, whose main course of tormenting him is vandalizing his art. Because of this, he holds a lot of pent up anger, which he successfully hides most of the time, but there are times where it slips through the cracks and creeps one or more of his siblings out. On occasion, someone would push a button and he just explodes like a volcano.

- He loves cartoons and comics, his favorites ones are mainly involve superheroes and martial artists. He finds them admirable for standing up to baddies that want to hurt innocent people, and he wishes he could be like them. Although he did tried to sign up for karate lessons, but he chickened out on seeing how many other kids did, and instead just imitates moves he sees on TV or video games

- He got a pair of Chinchillas named Pablo and Picasso

- He wanted a pet turtle because he's amused that he is named after a ninja turtle but he is not allowed to get one until one of his Chinchillas die

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