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Kookie's pov.

I was so ad I took tax and went to tae to see him sleeping

Kookie:let's breakup now our fathers are lovers and am going to do abortion this child am carrying

Tae:calm down bby think before you say all this

Kookie:don't bby me I hate you with your dad just do watever you want I hate you and am going to do abortion

Tae:are you giving up on us
Kookie:no us go fuck whoever you want and have children with whoever you want am done with you

Tae:is that what you want??

Kookie:yes and I hope we never meet again

Tae:okay you won I will do as you want but I swear I hope never to see you again otherwise I will still hate you so much

Kookie:nice just give me money am going to hospital to kill this child anyway

Tae:no you doit by yourself you are loosing it I see

Kookie:so what I don't care I hate you

After I breakup with tae I went back home to see dad waiting
Jeon:son please listen to me Kim was my first love but not anymore so I want you and tae to be together

Kookie:dad am not mad at you ,you and Kim should re unite because I broke up with tae and the child am carrying am going to do abortion

Jeon:no Kookie you can't do that

Kookie:I already made my decision and don't come near me please

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