Chapter 2: A Pearl

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As I step into the train, I’m absolutely star struck. I’d heard that the Capitol spoils the tributes before the games, but I never thought it was true. I walk into some sort of living room area. It’s decorated nicely, with a blue carpet replacing the floor. There’s a big tv on the wall, with a group of 5 small couches with a smooth fabric and gold plating in front of it. Further back, there’s a circular dining table. I realize that it’s absolutely filled with food. Sweets with bright colors, small sandwiches, salads, and even a cake in the center of all the food. I realize that this whole time I’d been hungry, and I’m just now feeling it. I walk over to the table slowly, but stop in my tracks as I hear a voice.

“Isn’t it all so extra?” I turn, and see a small woman. She has curly blonde hair, but it’s filled with streaks of white and gray. Her curls reach to her chest, and aren’t as curly as they look like they used to be. She’s wearing a loose blue blouse, and white loose pants. She has on loafers too. I give her a small smile, “I never thought the Capitol was actually nice enough to do this.” She laughs, “Oh no sweetheart, don’t be mistaken. This is all just looks.” I agree with her, and she sticks out her hand for me to shake it. “My name is Mags Flannigan. I am going to be your mentor for the Games. I am going to try my absolute hardest for you to come home, especially for your little brothers.” I take a breath as I remember Calder and Dorian, and my promises to them.

I shake her hand. “Thank you. Is there anything I should know or do before we arrive at the Capitol?” I ask her politely. "I want to be as prepared as possible." I say confidently. She sighs, “Well, expect lots of people when we arrive. You’re a spectacle now, especially with your little brother running after you like that. When we arrive at the station all I suggest is that you give a polite smile and wave to everyone. This will help you win the crowd over and start to gain sponsors.” I nod, and look out the window. All of District 4 is passing by in a blur now, and I realize I’m leaving my home for the first time ever. I try not to think about it too hard, so I end up asking Mags some more questions. 

“You’re a Victor right? Which Games did you win?” I ask. She sighs softly, “The 11th. Such a long time ago, I know. I was the first ever Victor to have a Victory Tour and live in the Victors Village. They didn’t give us all this, though.” She waves a hand around the room, “They put us on an old train and shipped us to the Capitol. Then, they dumped us into a zoo cage while the Capitols people stared at us like animals. It was awful.” I’m shocked, and she can see it on my face. “Don’t worry dear, they won’t do that to you. Now, you must be starving. Let’s eat.” 

She stands up and I follow her to the table, and I begin to pile some food on my plate. I try getting as much healthy foods as possible, to at least make me have more energy. I think of Dorian, how I’d argue with him about eating his vegetables. It wasn’t often we were able to get vegetables, but when we did I’d force Dorian to eat them. He needed to grow strong.

My nostalgic thoughts are interrupted by Florian, coming into the train cabin. “Hello Mags! Lovely to see you again.” He walks over and kisses her on both cheeks. He turns to me, and gives me a softer smile than he did on stage. “Hello Marina. I will be your escort for this year's Games! I cannot wait to see how you do.” I give him a shy smile, “Thanks.” I say. He sits down next to me, and begins to put food on his plate.

“I thought what your brother did was just so lovely. He really seems to care about you. Was that boy who took him away a friend?” He asks. I control the instincts to roll my eyes, “No, he’s my twin brother.” He gives a little ahh then begins to talk again. “You know, I find you much better than your tribute partner. Emal, was it? Anyways, what an uncharismatic boy. He wouldn’t even spare me a glance! The least he could do was to even look at me, but he didn’t. I think you’ll do much better than him Marina.” He says. I realize that if this is how Florian is, I can’t imagine how the rest of the Capitol people are. So unempathetic.

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