Peaceful Months

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(Trash of the Count and Naruto are not mine.

Cale hummed as he got Raon, Hong and Ohn ready for the day. Minato had asked Cale if he wanted to send the kids to school a few days ago. The kids were curious and had decided to check the two Academies out. The first was the civilian Academy and then the Shinobi Academy. One of the funniest things that happened when they were summoned here was how they had all been deaged. Cale who was in his fifties but still looking like a thirty year old was now looking like the time he was twenty. Hong, Ohn and Raon was even more hilarious, they turned from their twenty year old selves to their ten and eight year old selves. Alberu and Choi Han however looked they same, damn elf and dark aura genes keeping them forever young.

Cale, "All done."

Ohn, "Great, Kakashi - kun is picking us up."

Cale nodded, "Remember to have fun okay?"

Hong, "We will, Dad."

Cale, "I already packed your lunch plus some extras."

Raon, "He he he he! We will make friends, do not worry too much, Dad."

Cale smiled then kissed their foreheads, "Alright then, I will stop worrying. Look Kakashi is here."

Ohn, "Kakashi - nii!"

Hong, "You are here."

Raon, "We are ready."

Kakashi, "Hello Ohn - chan, Hong - kun and Raon - tan. I see you are ready."

Ohn, "Dad helped us get ready. He did my hair style."

Kakashi, "It is very pretty."

Hong, "So what is the civilian Academy like? Dad said we should try out both Academies and we decided to start with the civilian one."

Kakashi, "Well, I went undercover once to keep a client safe. It is for the most part calm."

Raon, "I see, I see, strong brother Kakashi. So the Academy is safe then."

Kakashi nodded, "Yes, though you might be a little bored but I am sure you will clear it."

The three siblings beamed at him and Kakashi thought he was hit but three suns shining brightly. The silver haired Jounin waved them inside and then took his position on the roof top of the Academy. He thought back to what his Sensei had requested of him during this mission. Honestly though he would have kept an eye out on the three siblings even without his Sensei asking him. Kakashi would not admit it but he had become very fond of the three siblings and even Choi Han for that matter. The man knew how to use heavier swords like the broad sword and Gladius sword and had even agreed to teach him.

Kakashi looked at the Rapier he had received from Cale, 'Who knew Choi Han of all people could be a hard task master? But I have no regrets.'

Minato sighed as he looked at the paper work in front of him, 'It has already been three months since the discovery of Danzo's treachery. Yet these papers do not seem to decrease.'

Alberu, "Minato - kun, I brought some coffee for you. I figured you would like a break."

Minato smiled, "Yes, that would be most welcome Alberu - kun."

Alberu, "How are you handling things?"

Minato, "Thanks to Tsunade returning two months ago and taking over some of the necessary responsibilities, I do have less worries but..... "

Alberu, "But?"

Minato, "The paperwork does not seem to decrease especially with new information coming out."

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