Shang: This Aura of yours intrigues me.

Jaune: I will not become one of your experiments Shang Tsung!

Shang: That won't matter once you are dead.


Shang: Besting Onaga in combat is quite impressive.

Jaune: Why so interested, Sorcerer?

Shang: I want to see what makes you tick.


Shang: You face Outworld's greatest sorcerer.

Jaune: Who lost multiple times to Liu Kang.

Shang: Watch your wit child.

Vs Shao Kahn


Jaune: Onaga is scarier than you.

Shao Kahn: I am much more powerful than the Dragon King.

Jaune: Yet you poisoned him in order to beat him.


Jaune: Outworld's greatest tyrant.

Shao Kahn: The title alone should make you tremble with fear.

Jaune: The Lin Kuei fear nothing.


Jaune: Time to put you down.

Shao Kahn: hahaha! You think you can best me?

Jaune: It's funny, Onaga thought the same thing.


Shao Kahn: Your realm will be the next one I conquer.

Jaune: Not before I stop you Shao Kahn.

Shao Kahn: Fool! You have already lost.


Shao Kahn: You defeated Onaga!?

Jaune: Unlike you, I didn't need poison to do it.

Shao Kahn: Hold your tongue Aura User!


Shao Kahn: All that power and you use it for a pathetic cause.

Jaune: Better to be a protector than a conqueror.

Shao Kahn: That simply shows lack of ambition.

Vs Sheeva


Jaune: Sheeva, the warrior queen of the Shokan.

Sheeva: Is that supposed to flatter me, Aura User?

Jaune: It was a compliment.


Jaune: The Shokans are part dragon?

Sheeva: All Shokan share the blood of dragons

Jaune: No wonder Onaga had chosen Goro to be a host.


Jaune: Sindel’s betrayal hurt you deeply.

Sheeva: I've never thought that she would be so vile.

Jaune: it's always the person you least expected.


Sheeva: Your battle with Onaga is quite…impressive~.

Jaune: Are you flirting with me?

Sheeva: Just a mere compliment.


Sheeva: I would enjoy having you as my consort.

Jaune Arc in Mortal KombatWhere stories live. Discover now