0.2; An Extra Coffee

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0.2; An Extra Coffee



Audriana had never been so excited to get to school.

For once in her crazy, messy, excuse for a life absolutely nothing was wrong. She only had a couple classes this year because she'd completed all most all her credits her junior year, she had on a new pair of heeled boots that were straight out of Paris and on top of everything there was no impending threat hanging over her head. All of these things, plus having woken up on time that morning put Audriana in an amazing mood.

So naturally, when she walked up to Stiles and Malia smiling with her hands full of various Starbucks drinks she had purchased for her friends, they were questioning what disease they thought she had been plagued with during her time over seas.

"Black coffee for Stiles, lord knows you do not need the energy." She mumbled shoving the drink in the boy's hand before turning to his significant other. "A vanilla bean frap for Malia because to quote you 'coffee tastes like feet'"

"Why are you happy?" Malia asked skeptically, before her eyes widened."Did you have sex?"

The coyote made what Audriana assumed was an attempt to smell her before she was pushing the brunet away. "What? No. I'm happy because I don't have a reason not to be." She smiled.

"Yeah well, I'll give you a reason. His name is Theo Raeken, okay." Stiles mumbled bitterly.

Audriana rolled her eyes. Not this again. So as it turned out the cute new boy she'd met in traffic the other night wasn't as new as she'd originally suspected, and not really as boyish either. He was more like a full fledged werewolf, who had saved Scott's ass last night when some weird creature with glowing claws had showed up and attempted to steal his power.

But even after Stiles' long winded explination about how Theo Raeken claimed to have gone to elementary school with them (which Audriana and Scott both argued that he did) She still failed to see the issue with  the boy.

"Why would Theo be a problem for me?" If anything he's a bonus, Audriana decided against voicing the second opinion seeing as how thrown off Stiles already was.

"Because his Dad got a speeding ticket." Malia chimed in repeating what Stiles had told her earlier.

"One speeding ticket? How many speeding tickets do you have?"

Stiles rolled his eyes and made a bunch of frantic hand gestures. "Listen it doesn't matter, there's something not right."

"I don't know Stiles, I mean I see why you worry he's really hot. He's got great hair, perfect body." Malia piped in innocently filing her boyfriends fire.

"Not to mention he probably smells amazing." Audriana contemplated.

Malia finished voicing her opinion with a "You should definitely feel threatened." Which the young Lahey muttered a 'mhm' in agreement.

"Thanks guys, because I do."

"Do you want me to torture him?" Malia asked.

Audriana's eyebrows to flew up in surprise. She understood Stiles didn't like him but that was a bit far. "We aren't torturing him or anyone for that matter." She interrupted when Stiles looked to be debating whether or not hurting him was a viable option.

"No I have a plan " at that point Audriana was no longer paying attention to her two friends but Theo Raeken himself who was getting out of his car. When he turned around and caught sight of her he sent a wave and a smile her way, in which she returned.

"Why are you so suspicious of this guy?" Malia ask Stiles. When they had both noticed he had arrived.

"Because I remember Theo from fourth grade and that's not him. Right Audri?" He turned to their friend for conformation only to find she was no longer there.

"Where did she go?" He looked around until Malia pointed straight a head of them to find Audriana offering their current 'suspect' one of her many coffees.

"Theo!" Wait up." Audriana called out to him as he started to walk away from where he got out of the car. "Hey" she smiled once finally reaching him.

"Hey" he smiled back.

"So I kinda bought a whole bunch of coffees this morning to distribute amongst the friend and it seems they gave me an extra." She held out one of the drink carriers that had one cup left.

"Oh, thanks" He took the drink from her. Audriana, noticing the hesitancy in his voice thought best to explain herself.

"No problem. Listen before you think I'm some crazy stalker who is obsessed with you after meeting you once I should probably elaborate." Theo sent her a questioning look as they walked towards the school. "I'm friends with Scott McCall and I know about the whole- ahh- situation " Audriana made her hands to look like claws and bared her teeth a little in reference to a werewolf. "And I'd figured I'd act as your guide, to the school and the supernatural."

Theo's eyes widened and he laughed. "That, explains a lot actually. I didn't think you were crazy. Just-" he paused as if he was searching for the word. "Really friendly?" Audriana raised her eyebrows as if asking him really?
"Okay, maybe a little crazy."

"You know when I met you last night I was really hoping you were normal."

"Sorry to disappoint you" He laughed at her bluntness.

"I mean, I was really hoping I had found a possible completely normal, non werewolf friend." She paused before abruptly turning towards him. "I should have known better, though."

Theo had suddenly become quite curious to what she might say next, considering everything that had come out of her mouth had surprised him. "Yeah, how come?"

"The cute ones are always werewolves."

If Theo had been thrown off guard it had only been for a moment because next thing she knew he was sending her a smirk that could make a snowman melt, and that she had no trouble matching.

By now they had entered the school and were standing by the entrance. "So I've got to go distribute the rest of these drinks but maybe I'll see you later?" Audriana gestured to the other tray, still left in her hand.

"Yeah sure." Satisfied with his answer she made an effort to be on her way when he gently caught her by the elbow turning her back towards him. "Oh and by the way, you were wrong earlier. The cute ones aren't always werewolves." And with a wink Theo Raeken left her in the exact state she'd hoped to leave him in wide eyed and definitely interested.


Audriana had a free period and before she even had a chance to sit down or even open a textbook, or more importantly a text message, she was being whisked away from her locker by an easily excitable teenage boy in a blue hoodie.

"Stiles where are we going?" She frantically asked as she failed to keep up with his long strides. When he didn't answer her question she tried again. "Hello? Did you hear me?"

"Yes I heard you, come on." He then opened the doors to the school leading her outside and stopping at the steps. Audriana opened her mouth but before she could even ask a question Stiles was shushing her.

"Hey you you're coming with me." Stiles was now talking to Scott who was sitting on the steps accompanied by a pile of books.

"I've got a free period."

"Yeah, so do I, and so does she" Stiles said pointing back at Audriana who still hadn't said a word,"And so does Theo Raeken."

"Can I at least go close my locker?"



EDITED: November 25th 2016

AN: props to me for cranking these out. If you guys liked it please vote. Until next time.
Love, Ari

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