Chapter 61

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"Mr Panda!" Creati and Red Riot ran to me. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, the burns were only superficial." I stood, cracking my back in the process. "The wind dispersed the fire so it didn't hurt."

"We need to enact Plan B!" Yao-momo clicked a button and everyone ran towards the beast. I ran too.

Underneath the beast, explosions happened, making Machia sink into the ground. I couldn't express my support in fear of Machia gaining strength. Mt lady was trying to help us by prying his mouth open. Mina failed to get the jar of sedative into Machia's mouth, but Kirishima was able to step in. Honenuki was struggling to make the ground softer to flood the fire and also to sink Machia, so I needed to help him.

"Mudman!" I ran towards him, dodging the barrage of attacks sent my way.

"I-can't make him sink fast enough!" He groaned.

"Yes you can, I believe in you." I placed my hand squarely on his back.

A peculiar light erupted from the palm of my hand, it was a coral pink colour. I felt compelled to place my other hand on the ground next to Mudman.

"Amao, what is this power?" Honenuki gasped. "It's like I've taken several quirk enhancers."

"It's a helping hand." I placed my hand on the grass. Within seconds the ground in front of me became softer, it was as if I was sharing Juzo's quirk in order to help him. I was happy to help in any way I could.

"Everyone! There's an issue!" I heard Kirishima shout.

We looked up and saw that Machia had changed, his eyes were no longer visible and his teeth were huge. Juzo and I had finished extinguishing the fire and had returned to where everyone else was.

We tried to fight but ended up sustaining pretty bad injuries. The last thing I remembered was that I was observing the huge beast heading towards Jaku City.

"We failed, we did everything we could." Mineta's voice shook.

"We had so many plans." Momo cried.

"Did the sedation not work?" Kinoko softly whimpered.

"What about the Heroes? Shoji, are they alive?" Sero begged.

"We're out of range." Shoji's breath hitched.

The morale was shockingly abhorrent, I couldn't stand listening to them anymore. I was tuning into the radio for the status reports.

"10 minutes until Gigantomachia reaches Jaku City." My ears pricked up.

Everyone sat crying, but I was determined to help out at Jaku.

"All Units! Major assistance required at Jaku City! I'm nearly fatally injured as well as many others! Assistance required!" My heart sank hearing the voice on the radio.

"That's-!" Creati gasped.

"...Tenya." I snarled, rage coursing through my body. "Tenya and many others are injured."

"Well, we can't really do anything." Mineta's speech infuriated me.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING SAY THAT MINETA!" I grabbed the dwarf's throat, squeezing it tightly. "By saying that you give heroes a bad name!"

I needed to get to Jaku City, and fast. I noticed that Mt. Lady was awakening from her unconsciousness. So I ran towards her.

"Everyone, stay safe, try and find Midnight!" I yelled.

"Mt Lady! Do you think you have one more go in you!?" I shouted. She looked at me and smiled.

"One way ticket to Jaku?" She stood up weakly, but adjusted her posture.

"You got it!" I raised my fist into the air.

"Hold on to your asses, kid!" Mt Lady grabbed onto my body and threw me at a high speed.

It took around 5 minutes but I was able to see Machia again, the missing Hero Best Jeanist was back in action. I observed the scene and saw Tenya and Nejire lying next to each other. Both burnt and lost a considerable amount of blood. Several Nomu were gunning towards Best Jeanist, I couldn't let that happen.

"Ultimate Juggernaut!" I shouted.

As I soared through the air I extended my claws and sliced the heads off of the Nomu's entirety, along with their bodies being sliced into pieces. The extra Nomu's that I hadn't sliced had been destroyed by none other than Mirio Togata.

"Mirio!" I beamed.

"Get to Ingenium!" Lemillion shouted.

I looked down and saw that Tenya was nowhere to be seen. Panic crossed my body like a whirlwind. Nejire had rejoined the fight but had no idea where Tenya had gone either.

"Amao! Watch out!" I heard someone say.

Within seconds I felt a powerful punch to my stomach, launching me through rubble, my costume and body being torn to shreds by a single punch. My head was dizzy and my vision was blurry. I looked to my side and saw Tenya, bleeding heavily. I ran towards him and scooped up his body.

"Tenya! I'm sorry I wasn't here to protect you." I cried. "I'm sorry! You're going to die because of me!"

"A...Amao..." Tenya stirred. I pulled off his helmet and saw his cracked glasses and bleeding face.

"I can't even look you in the eyes." I felt a weak hand on my face.

"Someone did this to me." Tenya directed my face to his bleeding legs. I turned my head and was sick. His engines had been ripped forcefully out. Rage coursed through me, I couldn't see any other colour apart from red.

"Give me the name." I snarled.

Tenya feebly pointed to the Nomu that stood in front of us. My focus tunnelled inwards, singling out that High-End Nomu.

"Nejire! Take Tenya to medical now!" I waved her down. She did as I said and I focussed my attention on the Nomu.

"I believe it's time we had a little chat!" I stood my ground as the Nomu charged towards me. Its reflexes were impeccable.

As we punched each other, I quickly grabbed the beast by the neck.

"You think you can beat me?" Suddenly the Nomu let out a heightened scream, louder than Present Mic's screams.

I was blasted into more rubble, my blood mixed with the sweat that fell from my forehead and hair, which now hung in my face. I severely underestimated the strength of this beast.

I couldn't give up, I was fighting for my friends, family and Midnight herself. I kept attempting to attack, despite not being able to land a single hit. Every time I was hurtled back to the same place but I never gave up.

The rubble cleared for a 9th time, and I still stood up.

"You really are a resilient one aren't you? Couldn't say the same about that other kid." The Nomu snarled as it shot towards me.

"Don't speak about him like that!" I soared towards the monstrosity.

I utilised my strength and sliced down the chest of the Nomu, but it regenerated too quickly. But I had made a fatal mistake. Blood shot out of my mouth as I felt a pain in several regions of my body. It let out another powerful screech and blasted me back several feet.

My eyes were fuzzy, they started to close, but something within me said that the fight was still not over...

...Was it?

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