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So, as we all know, the best way to advertise your book in an interesting way is not to plead people to read your book by promoting a list of boring info about what and who your story is about and instead start with something catchy.

I'll be offering you to promote your book the way you want to. It's entirely up to you how you catch your potential readers' attention. For that, please message me the following (I've just realized Wattpad will turn off the direct messages (honestly wtf), so just leave a comment under this post, please!):

Name of the Story

Something interesting about your book in under 500 words (whether that is a short description acting like a synopsis or an excerpt of dialogue or anything else)

Book Length (word count), Completed or Ongoing (if ongoing, then please let me know the approximate word count for when it would be finished)



(!optional!) Additional Information (such as trigger warnings, specific tropes you want the readers to know about or any other thing you feel is important to know about your story beforehand)

If you want to have anything else added, just let me know in your message and I'll try to include it as best as I can.

In the following two example promotions in the next parts, you can see how exactly I'll be presenting the info you're messaging me. I'll be looking forward to every message!

Lastly, for the ones who are here to read some interesting story ideas, grab a cup of tea (a must) and enjoy. And, of course, be nice in the comments!

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